Posted In: comic
– Sorry about the late update. between a convention on Saturday, the Kickstarter and feeling sick this one got away from me.
– The Kickstarter is still going strong. The Chainsaw Unicorn Boss Monster stretch goal has been funded and we’re almost ha;f way to our next stretch goal, an Advanced Job called Junk Mage! If you’re a gamer or someone who always wanted to try an rpg but didn’t know where to start I think You’ll really like The Magical land of Yeld! Check out the Kickstarter here!
A second opinion is smart.
I’m suddenly quite mistrustful of Mermaid Jenny for some reason.
Sure she could be totally benign and just be trying to spirit Modest away to Yeld where it’s more safe for her and her friends, as she presented the idea several comics ago.
Of course she could really be working for Dragul, or even still interest in personal revenge.
Stay wary! Don’t let mistrust rule your heart, but at the same time don’t be dumb about things.
Even at best, from Jake’s standpoint, he can’t trust her. If we take her at her word with what she told Modest, her goal is to get Modest back to Yeld permanently. I got the impression the whole visiting her sisters thing was an excuse made up to get her back there.
As an aside, I just read the post you wrote about your brother on your tumblr page.
It’s touching. I don’t think I could have written something better about my own brothers, or even my surrogate brothers (the ones who have been there for me when no one else was, or could be).
(Wipes manyly tear from eye).
Yes. Charles should definitely go. Then he can teach all the medusas how to cook.
Provided the medusas have that kind of retention…
“What’s a whisk? Am I Whisk?”
“I’m Whisk! You’re Butter, remember?”
Actually… now I kinda want him to do that. Hee hee.
if only there was someone back in yeld who was close to them all and died that made the entire plan not a good idea….
It’s okay, (comic-)Jake. I think it’s questionable to send your semi-sorta daughter into a dangerous land full of danger, too, escorted or not.
Also. What’s a “ha;f way”? ;3
Also-also, maybe I just haven’t been paying attention, but has the comic copyright always listed 2011 as its year?
I have 3 different templates I use for the comic *templates being the black borders, title and copyright text). Usually I use the “c. Jake Richmond” one, but recently I keep accidentally opening the old 2011 one and I never notice I’ve used it until someone points it out. I’m not even sure why I keep opening that one instead of the correct one. I need to figure that out.
If the fish scientist says to trust the mermaid then you trust the mermaid.
or perhaps that should end with ?
Jenny still hasn’t done enough to earn anyone’s trust. She’s attacked their family before, and that’s something that shouldn’t be so easily forgiven.
I’m of the opinion that Jake should tell Jenny to shove it.
Uh huh!
Nope it was a 4th opinion he needed