Posted In: comic
– High everyone! Welcome back to Season 6 (I think?) of Modest Medusa. My month long break wasn’t as productive as I hoped, but at least I was able to finish a new chapter of Ghost Kiss (which you can read here). Thanks for your patience during the intermission. I’m eager to get back to the story, and I hope you are too!
Looks more like they’re bound up in back like a pony-tail.
Bucket Medusa is so cute!
Cute. 🙂
snakes lookin so cute.
So does she go by the name “old bucket head”?
Is that a boy medusa?
Nope. It’s one of her sisters.
Unless told otherwise, I’m assuming she actually said the word “gasp” there.
why is bucket so much smaller then modest?
I guess I screwed up the perspective. They’re supposed to be identical in size. Although part of it is that Modest is pulling herself up to fence height for a better view. Also, she’s wearing clothes, so she’s bulkier.