Posted In: comic
– From now until the end of the year several items from my online store are $5 off, including the Modest Medusa hardcover books, plush Medusa pillows, Chainsaw Unicorn plush hats and scarves and more! You can check it out here.
I’m also offering a special holiday deal over at the Combine store. Get the first 4 issues of my sci-fi anthology Combine (featuring my comic Ghost Kiss) for just $30. Thats a $10 savings on over 250 pages of comics!
Fluffy cuteness overload!
If your goal was to let us think those were clouds in the first panel, get confused for the next two panels and then realise that those are sheep in the last panel, you have been successful in my case.
My brain simply ignored the grass at the bottom left at first because the picture was mostly sky and things that could be interpreted as clouds.
I like it. 😀
Grass … or rib cage …
Erm. Bottom right.
In the morning, Modest woke up in a haze…
Well, the sheep may not look up, but the hair-snakes do.
OK, those looked like clouds. I just realized they are sheep.
Not sure I could ever sleep so soundly amongst what amount to fluffy shoggoths.
B-but… the smell! XP
Here’s an interesting thought. Everything that eats poops. I wanna know if the sheep actually ate that plate armor.
If they did, then the digestive systems of those sheep must ne strong enough to digest solid metal.
Birds have a pouch inside of their esophaguses to grind up things with grass and gravel. Of course, glass and gravel cannot grind up metal, so they’d have to dissolve the metal with powerful stomach acids. I’d guess their poops would smell like caustic rust 😛
Either that or they simply bit, chewed, but didn’t swallow. That’s more likely.
Or else they use gingerbread armor in the land of Veld.
That, or it’s all magic and normal rules don’t actually apply.
That would be a fair point, except basic laws of physics still apply. If they didn’t, then Yeld wouldn’t be able to support life; even magical worlds follow certain rules.
One of my favorite things to read our watch is when someone does the math to determine how fast/strong/etc. something had to have been. Like one person figured out how many cheeseburgers Peter Parker had to have eaten to shoot webs out of his wrists in the movies (529, plus a medium fry). Or how about how fast that purple-haired teen’s boobs were flopping around in High School of the Dead for a bullet to slip between them (9,800,000 m/s2, which is equivalent to a g-force of ONE MILLION g’s).
I’m also a big fan of the Mythbusters. Coincidentally I’m acquainted with a circus machinist who helped them with a few myths.
But yeah, you’re right, it’s a magical, fictional world. For all we know the sheep could each have an extra dimension inside of their guts that allow them to store am infinite mass inside their bellies, much like Nintendo’s Kirby.
This, however, further begs the question… why doesn’t Prince have a herd of these for himself?
I don’t think that’s grass… I think they’re picked-clean bones…