– Sorry for the late update. My sleep schedule is all over the place this week. Hopefully I’ll have the Friday update up on time!
– I have a new single page Ghost Kiss story up today as well. You can check it out here.
– From now until the end of the year several items from my online store are $5 off, including the Modest Medusa hardcover books, plush Medusa pillows, Chainsaw Unicorn plush hats and scarves and more! You can check it out here.
I’m also offering a special holiday deal over at the Combine store. Get the first 4 issues of my sci-fi anthology Combine (featuring my comic Ghost Kiss) for just $30. Thats a $10 savings on over 250 pages of comics!
The irony is he had to stop guarding the magical toilet in order to take his bathroom breaks.
He has to *leave* the toilet for bathroom breaks?
You’re right handed and drawing from the wrist, right? Because your shapes have a tendency to bend to the right.
Oh, so that’s why he hasn’t been able to jump in.
(Comic!)Jake is a very intimidating guy when he wants to be. Aiya…
whoops, typo on doesn’t
I have to think I’d be doing the same as Jake right now.
> Except for bathroom breaks
What, there’s a toilet right there, why would he need to leave for a bathroom break? 😉
Like the brother, whose name I forget, said, it’s full of dirt and doesn’t go anywhere. Plus the privacy issues.
If you have balls to sit on magical toilet portal, from which can came anything to bite your bottom, you have one more thing to worry about.
Soooo… for how long can he refrain from sleeping?
There are far more efficient methods he use to do this. Motion sensors, cameras, or he could surround the darn thing with a cage. He could have friends take shifts for him, or hire someone to watch the darn thing.
Just sitting and waiting for the darn thing to open isn’t going to change anything. He’s literally doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.