– It’s been a busy few days! On Friday my brother Nick and I launched the Kickstarter for our new game The Magical land of Yeld, an RPG set in the world of Modest Medusa. I was really worried that the project would struggle. In the past so many of you have been supportive, but I had no idea if many of you were interested in this kind of game, and I was anticipating that, at best, we’d be struggling to hit our hefty goal before the Kickstarter ended at the end of August.
52 hours. The project was fully funded in just over 2 days.
I was amazed. Amazed and humbled. It’s really hard to believe. Nick and I have been working on this game for longer than I’ve been making this comic, and I had nearly given up hope that it would ever become a real thing. And now it will. I’m really excited to further share the world of Yeld with you in this way. There are so many things that I’ve wanted to show youthat just don’t fit well into this comic, and this game is the perfect venue for that.
The game is fully funded, but we still have 28 days to go and Nick and i have some neat stretch goals that we’ll be unveiling later this week. We’ve also posted several updates on the Kickstarter page explaining the game and the world of Yeld. there’s also some neat art!
You can check out the Kickstarter page here!
– I’ll be at the Artist Alley Comic Fest here in Portland this coming Sunday. This is my favorite show of the year,s o if you get a chance please come and check it out!
Old Medusa had a farm – ei-ei-o
And on that farm she had a sheep – ei-ei-o
The rest of the song gets a little disturbing considering that breeding sheep in Yeld involves cutting them in half.
As a Kickstarter backer I have just a exhortation: don’t overdo especially with stretch goals.
I understand the value of targets to reach but I would be already happy with the game itself.
If there is some idea that is floating around long enough to become a stretch goal without harming your timetable it would be wonderful to have it but don’t start inventing new elements for the sake of offering more to the backers of a successful campaign.
Maybe it’s an unfounded fear after all you are working on this project a long time.
In the meantime I’m talking of your project with my friends and fellows.
I understand your concern completely. Nick and I have a list of content that we wanted to include in the book, but had to cut either because we just haven’t had time to work on it or we were afraid it would take up too much room. Thankfully the Kickstarter has been a success, so our book will be able to go into production. We want to include some of our stretch goals (like the Dog) in the book, but most of them we plan to present as a PDF later on. we’ll have time to fully develop and test this content in the months while we’re waiting for the boo to return from the printer. The money generated from the stretch goals will afford us the time to work on this content too.
Jake, you should make a Modest/Raccoon/Pirates plushie and toys. I think people would like them.
I’d love too. Honestly though, I’m not sure how. years ago someone contacted me from a plush toy manufacturing company and asked if I’d like to do something, but the minimum order was 1000 units and I didn’t think there was that much interest. Now I’m not even sure who to contact to get something started.
I checked myself for a similar project once and I haven’t found any company that would produce more than one and less than 900 or so. I suppose you would need around 200 or so. Those might sell well at cons or as Kickstarter giveaways.
If you do find a good one however, please let us know! =)
I think maybe I could push 100 now, but it would be a challenge, unless I could find a distributor. I feel like a I could sell a few hundred through a kickstarter, then maybe 200 a year at cons. So 1000 would probably last me a few years. Unfortunately I have no idea where I’d store them!
It’s still something I’d like to try though. I’d love to have a plush Medusa with different shirts, a velcro chocodile and a voice chip!
I’d pick up a few at Artists Alley this weekend if you had them. I’m a sucker for cute stuff, which is why I read Medusa!
I have a feeling they’d sell well.
Hiya Jake! Vegas is beautiful, and last night’s training reminded me of you.
So I just finished my acro pole class (don’t call it pole dancing – one of the students almost lost her shit on me when I called it that) and slipped into my tights for my aerial level one class. As I’m bending down to open my back, the teacher comes up behind me and says, “Did you get a dance belt?” And she touched me on the small of my back.
The boss man comes up and teases Tanya, “Hey there! Why are you touching his butt?”
“I wasn’t touching his butt!” She replies.
“Yeah!” I say, “She was touching the small of my back, which is just /above/ my butt crack!”
“You… really didn’t need to say anything,” Tanya said slightly embarrassed.
“Tanya has touched more boobs and butts than anyone else here!” Stefan, the boss, joked.
“Are you a butt toucher?” I asked Tanya with a smirk.
Everyone laughs, and Tanya goes up to Stefan and squeezes his pec and butt! XD
Anyway, made me think of you and Kendra and Modest, and those are fond memories 😉
Loving this arc so far! Curious to see where it goes. Hope you are well!
Hey. Glad you’re settling in in Vegas.
If you could get them sold at a hot topic or a build-a-bear then you’d have it made. Modest is so cute that girls/young women would eat her up.
Yeah, either of those venues would be a cash cow.
Toys would also be a good way to get your name out there if you ever approach cartoon network or nicktoons.
Have you seen these toys: http://rustyandco.com/store/ ?
Thats cute. I wonder where/how they got it done?
The cutest rust monster ever to devour your car. 😛
Also: Giant Plush Microbes
I actually have several of these!
And these:
I guess I should send out some emails asking where people get their stuff made.
* plush.com, : quotes start at 1000.
* http://www.stuffedanimals.com
* http://www.zazzle.com/makers, the have customizable teddybears
Googling for “custom plush” gives a lot of hits,
and just the plushy-page at etsy shows a lot of manufacturers.
Another idea might be companys that make stuff for ad-campaigns,
i.e. the guys who put your name/logo on pens, lighters etc.
I spent some time looking at custom plush and etsy options, but everything I looked at was very expensive. The kind of expensive that I think many casual purchasers would pass over and I wouldn’t be able to make any profit on.
Backed the Kickstarter day one and that lead me to this comic and I just binged the last six years in a few days. Now I don’t know how to wait for the next one!
Welcome to the comic!
Yeah, same here. The Kickstarter looked awesome and after backing I started reading your comic. Guess I am almost caught up now.
Sorry! I’m making more as fast as I can.
The pictures of stuffed animals reminded me. A few years back a guy had a kickstarter to make 20 inch model Anomolycarus models. I think he was talking 200? Must be a sweet spot in someones shop for any number of critters
Thought it would amuse you to know, I have a crew of a handful of Raticates between five and six hundred CP all named Carlos that I use as entry-level gym members.
Thats great!
Just noticed these guys in Tom Tomorrow’s twitter. I don’t know their size, but it may be worth a look: https://twitter.com/ThingMake