Hey, how about some Monster Hunter Medusa? I’ve been playing a lot of Monster Hunter World the last few weeks. Well, “a lot” for me is like 5-10 hours a week. But still!
– If you’re enjoying Modest Medusa please consider supporting the comic by checking out my Patreon, Ko-fi or store! The links are right above this post. I really, really appreciate your support!
– This week I have some new original Modest Medusa art available for sale in my store (right here). These illustrations are one of a kind, available on a first come, first serve basis and will remain on the store until sold. I’ll be making new illustrations available every week or two, so make sure to check back and see whats there!
I guess seeing someone eat their own snakes might explain Glados’ mood.
I think Auntie did it before she met them. In the flashbacks her brother told her it was worth the “sacrifice.” Maybe eating the snakes either extends her life—though maybe doesn’t make her young and immortal the way Momdusa was when she ate the children.
Monster Hunter Medusa is very cute.
Well that’s one way to deal with annoying voices in your head.
Ah yes … the good old casual “Big WHAT!” Bombshell on the last picture. Classic.
I guess that would explain the age
i guess they got in the way of her slithering around?
….since i´m also reading a comic about a zombie who refers to her own brain as ’emergency snack ration’ i´m not as weirded out by aunty´s self-cannibalism as i would´ve thought
How true is Glados’ statement?
Hunting herself would be a conflict of interest
How do you know that Glados?
Don’t bite your fingernails, or it may lead to this!
Don’t bite your fingernails, they can bite back!
I knew she was missing the rest of her snakes.
Prediction: she ate her snakes to prolong her life long enough to raise the medusas.
Eww, seeing how those little snakes are attached looks weird. You should have left that to the imagination.