Posted In: comic
Still working on the book. Right now I’m in the middle of doing the page notes. I’m hoping to start the line art for the cover this evening, but I may not get that done till tomorrow. Plus there’s still the inking, coloring and lettering for the extra 10 page story to do, and some more layout, and the end pages, and proof reading… It’s going to be a busy weekend!
some one PLEASE make an animated gif of that
+1 to Tyler’s request! š
I know it’s been a few years, but yes!! +1!!
it’s beem 3 and a half years, but still +1!
It has been years, but +1
I need this. XD +1
You can do it, and we thank and believe in you. Also, that’s kind of a gross way to get Chocodiles.
I totally read the “you can do it” as “you can reverse-poop chocodiles out of your mouth.” Rather than “you can finish the book in time.”
I am a bad person.
Well, they are in a new cosmos, reached through the toilet.
More poop jokes
that’ll probably what modest thinks of next
i don’t usually have problems with grammar like this
I might just have to make an animated gif of that once its in color.
Gah! Holy crap!
Maybe it sorta a yoshi deal?
…. Ew.
If you need someone to stand behind you and crack the whip, I’m game; however you must pay for all expenses.
Probably one of the few instances when the phrase “show your process” need not be mentioned…
I couldn’t help but think of a South Park episode when reading this one. Was that an intentional goal?
Not intentional, but I can see that now.
LOL, I forgot about that one, and for good reason too. *shudder*
Be careful there, or you could lose your endorsement from Hostess.
lol “endorsement.”
If only Hostess was that cool–or even cared.
… or even knew :’-(
This page sooooo needed to be in color :-p