Question time:
1. What happened on Monday? I just missed it. I’ve been working these stupid long days trying to get the Modest Medusa Season 2 book ready for the printer, and Monday just went by without me noticing at all!
2. So why is this page in black and white? To save time this week and help make sure I get the book to the printer on time I decided to skip coloring for now. I’ll be coloring today’s strip and Friday’s strip later this month when I have some free time. I hope you guys don’t mind.
3. Wait a minute, the book isn’t done yet? Uh, yeah. Sorry. The original plan was to have the files to the printer by the end of August. But between finishing up the colors for the 2nd Hereville book in July, traveling aroundΒ theΒ country to 4 big conventions in August and doing 9 full sized pages forΒ theΒ “Burn the Kingdom” story in September I ended up falling about a month behind.
So the files forΒ theΒ book are due at the printer this weekend, and I think I’m going to make it. Right now I still have a bunch of stuff left to do, but I’m working 12-14 hours a day to make it happen. This book is just Β a lot more work than the last one, but I think it’s going to look a lot better as well! I had originally hoped to have the books back sometime in November. I doubt that will happen now. More likely the books will suffer from holiday shipping lag and show up in late December or sometime in January. That sucks, I know.
Here’s one of the bonus strips from the book!
In panel 2, Jake is saying ‘You make all that great vegetarian stuff!’ I’m pretty sure you meant that to be Modest.
Crap. I did. I’ll fix it when I do the coloring next week.
I thought it was supposed to be:
“You *mean* all that vegetarian stuff*?*”
Either way, I did a double take.
Sorry if I sound nit-picky, but I’m just trying to help – especially since you publish your work. In panel 2, I’m slightly confused by the dialogue. Why would Jake answer himself? I feel like “You make all that great vegetarian stuff!” is something Modest would say. Correct me if I’m wrong, or if I’m missing something.
You’re right!
Who’s saying “You make all of that great vegetarian stuff!”?
Medusa is. I’ll have to fix it when I have time.
…did you maybe have some mix-up with some of the word balloons? You seem to be saying Medusa’s line about Charles…
I did!
That is the way I feel about 3D as well.
Love the bonus strip! I laughed out loud for real. π
Good luck with the book stuff, it sounds like a lot of work (but worth it!) When you get time to color it, it looks like panel 2 of today’s comic also needs a little edit? I’m thinking Medusa should be the one saying “You make all of that great vegetarian stuff,” but right now Jake is saying it.
Good catch.
Far better a b&w comic than no comic, I say!
Question, though: panel 2, shouldn’t “you make all that great vegetarian stuff” be coming from Modest?
Kinda threw me off…
Yeah, it needs to be fixed.
Love how everyone had to mention the panel 2 mistake separately. Come on people read the comments before posting and reply to a post instead of restating the same thing over & over. I know if I was Jake I would have been banging my head into the keyboard. This could be understandable if the comments were within a few minutes of each other; people writing their posts at the same time. Funny thing is, I didn’t notice it myself as I read the dialogue and understood who was saying what without the balloons pointing it out.
Great work Jake, I still need to get that photo from GenCon to you; oh, I guess when I do, you can send it to that Dubious Ben guy you keep Company with.
What happened is that I approved all those comments at the same time, so no one who about the error posted had a chance to see them before making their post.
On the 3ds, my brother is the same way. And glad to be back reading m.m. Comic. Can’t wait to see how batman explain the chocoledie.
I’m going to mention the panel 2 mix-up just so I can be part of the crowd.
I mean uhh Charles taught Modest how to make a cake right! Feed them cake! …mix. Whatever.
Actually if they haven’t eaten dinner yet what were they eating when they first appeared, pre-dinner mid-afternoon post-snack appetizers?
I think they just eat constantly.
They could be on a hobbit eating schedule. Breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, afternoon tea, supper, then dinner. Take your pick.
I don’t care if you did just eat, when Batman offers to cook you a meal, YOU EAT THAT MEAL!
I know, I can’t use the 3-D either, gives me a massive headache. Still cool though, but I still wont use it.
Yeah it gives me a headache too, oddly though I don’t see the 3D effect but instead a split image, which is prolly what causes those nasty headaches for me! XD
And to Jake
Comics are hard man, take your time, you have one awesome comic! π
Agree with Cas, its well worth the wait π
dont beat yourself up webcomics are hard
That makes me feel better.
My hair does the EXACT same thing
Wait, you make Chocodiles? No wonder you keep falling behind on the strip.
3D can be a little disorienting yes… also your in the kitchen, grab a frying pan and get a move on, have you never seen tangled… those things are scary good. 0.o
Your lagging behind on the books?
I should be mad……… But I can’t see any reason to be. I’m not in a super hurry to get my book. It’ll come when it comes.
Thanks. I was hoping to get this one done faster than the first one… but it looks liek it’s taking about the same amount of time. Maybe the 3rd time will be the charm?
I think we all know the Third time will be even worse since brand new problems will be discovered. it takes about Five times for eighty percent of the possible problems to be discovered an contingencies planned
um, i hate to point this out but in panel two…i’m just kidding. great comic; don’t over-work yourself.
*le comment about panel 2*
Ah, Modest… XD “But you make the Chocodiles? Right?” Her whole life is a lie. Poor girl.
I feel like I have to point this out, in panel two when Medusa is asking about vegetarian food, why is Charles’ head disembodied in that thought bubble? Wasn’t it his arm that got cut off?
It’s just Medusa remembering what he looks like.