Either it’s not really menacing or it’s a zombie, because it took it this long to catch up to them. Either it doesn’t want to hurt them or is real slow at doing it.
I love the snake that’s between Medusa and Marah in the last panel. Just the way it’s peeking over the rock/log thing is great for some indescribable reason.
i’ll bet the poor little brown snake never even heard of her mom. while they were harrassing the locals, real trouble walked right up to them. go figure.
(love the strip by the way)
I think someone already know 🙂
Either it’s not really menacing or it’s a zombie, because it took it this long to catch up to them. Either it doesn’t want to hurt them or is real slow at doing it.
I love the snake that’s between Medusa and Marah in the last panel. Just the way it’s peeking over the rock/log thing is great for some indescribable reason.
The Return Of The Menacing Hand. That’d make one heckuva horror movie title.
Of course you’d have to make The Menacing Hand first, so Return could be a sequel.
Did the snake transform into a monster?
@gnrrrg: I agree about the little snake peeking. It does give that panel something adorably more adorable than the ordinary adorable!
The Menacing Hands would be a good name for a band, too.
i’ll bet the poor little brown snake never even heard of her mom. while they were harrassing the locals, real trouble walked right up to them. go figure.
I’m guessing its a werewolf or a troll (first sighting looked as if it had fur near the wrists)
SHE KNOOOOWS!! *WindowDive*
i’m guessing its’s a member of the resistance or possibly relating to the piarte arc as forseen in the upcoming
is it a menacing hand on a stick?
You know what If piarte is an word then i’m going with that instead of pirate.
Also i’ve been feeling really lethargic lately i had to go back to find out i missed the throwing of the snake.