This strip started out as an explanation for the Knife and the PlayStation disk, but it just didn’t feel right. After lettering it I realized that I didn’t really need to walk most of you through the idea that the Playstation dick the mermaid throws at Medusa and Medusa later offers Michelle is the same one they flushed down the toilet on Jake’s birthday. Similarly, most of you had already recognized the knife Marah finds at the bottom of the lake as the same one she gave Jake to fight the Unicorn. After lettering the whole strip I realized that it just didn’t sound very good. Plus, the story of the knife is explained a little bit in the Season 1 bonus stuff, so I didn’t want to spoil that.
Anyway, I went back and totally re-wrote the script for this strip. It’s not great, but I think it will be a nice lead in for the next few strips and the next long story.
Oh, necrolichmon created this bit of awesomeness. Thanks!
“idea that the Playstation” > disk*
Disc, dick, whatever.
I kind of like the mental image of the mermaid throwing a dick.
Love the fan art! That’s awesome.
so instead of the blind leading the blind, we have the lost following the hoplessly lost. this could take a while without a guide. where’s yoda when you need him. lol!
Dick, Disk… Does it matter? They both go in slots on emotionless machines.
ooo…. If you have girlfriend I hope she doesn’t see that comment.
and if you don’t, well, now you know why.
a wild Modest Medusa can’t be caught she catches you after her snakes catch the pokeball and throw it back. Funniest typo so far. Are they lost or did MM forget where her mom’s castle is and what is this prince business i didn’t know MM had a brother.
the prince is her moms friend not son
Never thought I’d say this but Medusa’s butt looks big from behind.
Probably comes from having a snake tail where your legs would be.
technically she doesn’t have a butt as all a butt is is the top of the leg muscles so no legs no butt
Y’know… I can’t help but notice that there is this everlasting ad for Chocodiles on the right hand side. Given how often they’re compared to turds on this comic, I wonder if they really did they’re research before putting that ad here.
Reminds me of the slipup a classmate had while giving a presentation in a computer science class – “… and I know all of you like large hard dicks…shit…”
Hm, it’s not often we see the full length of her serpentine tail.
…Keep the typo in the last panel. It makes Medusa seem even CUTER
necrolichmon: Nice fanart.
So what type would Medusa be and what attacks would she start with?