Posted In: comic
So… way back when the series started (around strip 20) there was this review that kind of pissed me off. The reviewer said that she was enjoying the series until she realized that the Jake character was just an author self-insert Mary Sue character. Mary Sue! Seriously? I mean… seriously?
So my reaction to that? I vowed I’d have cartoon Jake do the most Mary Sue thing I could think of.
And so here we are.
For every fan there’s bound to be a critic. Unless you get like Beiber level popular then it’s like 1000 fans to every 1/2 critic that really wants to dance but can’t do it in public. Also horse punching, brave man.
You’re probably being seriously optimistic about the levels of hate that little lady generates.
Doesn’t get more Mary Sue (it’d be Gary Stu since Jake’s a dude) than punching a unicorn with a chainsaw as a horn.
It’s funny that, out of the main characters, it’s Jake who gets accused of being a mary sue (or gary stu, whatever) when, if anyone was likely to fall into that category (which, so far, nobody seems to), it would be the titular medusa.
f that critic! You suckerpunched a unicorn!
Considering your “About Jake” section on this site basically admits to being a near self-insert I don’t think making a Mary Sue accusation holds very much weight.
Still, I can’t think of any reason why anyone would NOT want to sucker-punch a chainsaw unicorn.
I want a desktop image of you punching a chainsaw unicorn!
I’ll see what I can do.
Jake… you just…
It would have been much cooler if you put on a pair of shades and THEN sucker punched the horsey.
You’re SO right. Jake should have like screamed “FALCON PUNCH!!!” too.
I didn’t wanna go overboard.
Someone has watched Blazing saddles a few too many times.
Honestly, there really aren’t too many writers out there that don’t mary sue in some way. Even when we try to come up with characters that are nothing at all like us, it winds up being either someone we’re afraid we are, or someone we want to be. So honestly, go with it. And hell, if they don’t like it, well… they can write their own.
And the Mary Sue line got me to tv tropes, and long story short, I lost a day and a half. The question remains: was that punch super effective?
You are far from mary sue.
1. I think that reviewer needs to re-check what a Mary Sue is.
2. Last panel. Wins. Everything.
kill the unicorn by punching it in the head, it cant saw you if you make it dead, punch the unicorn, punch the unicorn, punch the unicorn’s head
A chainsaw unicorn, you had to have been high when you thought of that, even more so if your going to fight it with just your bare hands, but in it’s own way, that’s pretty kick ass.
At the point of comic 20 Jake was not loved by all other characters. He did not have amaxing power that made him undefeatable. There was focus on his flaws more than his good points.
So how is that a Mary Sue? They might be one of those people that assume ALL self inserts are Mary Sues in the end, but that’s easily proven to be BS. It is also fun to point out that technically EVERY CHARACTER IN ANYTHING is a self insert by the writer. Every character, even if based off someone else, is the author’s interpretation of who that peraon is. They are all part of the author’s mind! That’s what writing is! Putting pieces of yourself into text. All characters are self insert in this way. Sharing your name means nothing. Nor your appearance or backstory.
If you want a Mary Sue (technically a Gary Stu) try the show The King of Bandit Jing.
It is a Self Insert, and that was kinda the point… so, the reviewer can suck it up.
Ironically, it seems people never try to just punch the monster, they just scream and stare at it… I guess it would be anticlimactic if someone decked the big beastie in one hit
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