Holy crap! I was kind of surprised by how many of you thought the Chainsaw Unicorn had been finished off in the last strip. He’s (she’s?) not quite done yet! Anyway, this plot arc has been pretty long, but I’m just about ready to wrap it up. I appreciate you guys sticking with me while I try something different.
Speaking of sticking with me, thanks for moving over to the new site! You’ll be doing my a huge favor if you hit those Like, Tweet, +, and Reddit buttons up above this post. And while your at it feel free to click on the TWC vote button! Spreading the word like this really, really helps me out,a nd the more people who read the comic here the better!
Also, I started a tumblr account for all my odds and ends Medusa art, plus all the great gift art you guys have sent me. The link is at the top of the page. I’ll be updating it infrequently (unless you guys want to send me some more art).
Could be the next chainsaw massacre here. Only with a unicorn and not as many cheerleaders.
Wow man…this is hardcore!
Dude. Dude dude dude.
You need a favicon, dude.
Working on it.
Well, with the previous strip, it had looked like Comic-Jake had, quite literally, gone for the Chainicorn’s jugular.
Also, C-J is going to have “fun” explaining how he got his injuries to his health insurance provider >_<
Comic Jake doesn’t have health insurance.
Yeah, but at least he has pokemon right?
I clicked the tumblr link but it won’t allow me to look at your tumblr page.
Also stumbled across you comic and read it all in one night, love it. I saw medusa and my first reaction was “awwww I want one!”
I think I’ve fixed the problem now. Thanks for pointing it out.
Sooo cute! I love it! Just read all of it. Keep up the good work! :3
Yeah what a jerk! You only stabbed him/her in the neck a few times, BUT he/she started it! Right? 😀
Dude broke into my house and chainsawed Charles. That’s a stabbing offense.
Huh. I was told the same thing for overuse of a Nantucket joke.
I’m envisioning a back alley stitch up scene with some sketchy “Doctor” inhaling some drug to ease the pain and flipping out when he sees our serpentine friend.
I hate to be picky but as one who actually uses a chainsaw on a regular basis I just wanted to point out that this chainsaw lacks an essential component ie the chain. Also I would be very interested to see a skeletal diagram of this puppy. Curious how the saw does not work it’s way through the Unicorns own head.
I assume the saw is working it’s way through the unicorn’s brain. that’s why he’s so pissed!
Yeah I know that always puts me in a foul mood as well.
Man! This is turning out great!
Hi Matt. Thanks!
This is where the “Chainsaw Unicorn” heavy metal song changes key for the bridge!
Speaking of Charles, I flashed back to a Woody Woodpecker episode where he was a relentless D2D salesman; he ended up at one point being tied down under a guillotine and his remark at that point is very fitting, if not tactful: “How’re ya fixed for blades, Charlie?”
AS i’m predicting for the future though i may be wrong i’ll paraphrase a line from a country music song.
“They didn’t stop to break and they were switching gears”
brake not break my bad
New Title: When Robot Unicorn gets pissed that you keep on dying.
ok, this is where medusa wakes up, and it was a nightmare, right? ’cause a chainsaw to the abdomen is permanent.
And a chainsaw cutting off your arm isn’t?! Lol, Jake only has a “flesh wound” compared to Charles.
i’d rather have a stump, than a colostomy bag.
When I’m not ramen poor I will definitely get a Chainsaw Unicorn shirt. Awesome new website by the way 🙂
Thanks. I’ll save you one.
Oh and Jake One More Thing. “Chainsaw Unicorn Plushies”
If you want figurines you should get in contact with my friend hit me up with an email and ill send you their email address i got a sweet free figurine of an succubus from his game because i helped with the voice acting and spellchecking
I totally want to do plushies. I’m trying to figure it out.
“You are…such…a huge…jerk!” best line ever said in the face of impending doom XD
I just found this comic and it’s pretty cool. “Medusa” is hugely adorable, lol.
Now you’ve probably been asked this at least 30 times already, but I have to ask anyway: Why does she not turn people to stone when they look at her?
Is she just too little… or too modest? XD
honestly, I have a gag associated with it that I’ve been saving for the right time.
uh ohh
Charles is gonna get his arm re-attached, though, right?! He’s my favorite…
Jake didn’t need that kidney anyways.
Hi Guy, I saw this linked from Gunnerkrigg so I decided to read it. Its very cute, and I like the concept of this mini medusa (she’s adorable!) I just get confused sometimes because I feel like each strip has a static expression on each character, even if they may be feeling differently in different panels.
Just food for thought! Keep up the good work! I do love this comic.
How about we make this into a Pokemon Battle?
Jake used Slash!
Chainsaw Unicorn was unaffected…
Chainsaw unicorn used Fury Swipes!
it hit two times!
Jake used Taunt.
Well, that’s where you left off at the moment.
You know, I just found a solution to end this battle. Use the State Farm jingle! “Like a good neighbor State Farm is there- With a double barrel shotgun!” Bam! It’s down.
I want to see someone make a photo-realistic artistic depiction of Jake and the Chainsaw Unicorn fighting to the death on the streets of Portland.