Posted In: comic
Hey. Welcome to the Modest Medusa site! Pretty snazzy, right? No? Give me a break, I’m still working on it! Please feel free to leave feedback and suggestions.
So why the new site? Modest Medusa got it’s start on Webcomics Nation and really found an audience on Drunk Duck, but recent problems at Drunk Duck have finally pushed me toward setting up my own site. No more downtime, no more intrusive ads.
I’ll still continue to update Modest Medusa on other sites, but I hope you’ll all choose to follow the comic on this site. Really, the more of you who read it here the better!
Hooray! Your own site. Now I don’t need to register anywhere to comment.
YES finally free commenting! 😀
Also FINALLY put up with mr. Lagedy-lagedy-crash-crash at DD anymore. :p
Nice job with the site no problems with it I’d say, buuut… I don’ know must those sharing things be right under the page? Can’t they be under the description? I know these things are useful to you so I’m not saying that you take them off or forcin ya I’m just askin. 🙂
I’ll try moving them around. I’m not married to where they are right now.
Cool! Extra yaaay for that. 😀
Congratulations on ditching DD… they’re a good place to start, but I’m always happy to see people move up~
Also, now I can boycott DD and not feel bad about missing strips! (Kudos to JohnnyBoy for telling me about this, yay!)
Woo! Why would you put this off? 😛
Could use a favicon.
Awesome! Glad you finally got your own site. Now I can ditch the duck!
Also, poor uncle Jake.
Yay! Grats man…I dig the new site!
I had a problem on DD that I can already see isn’t going to happen here: The newest comic is always on the main page. I hate having to click the favorite button and delete my old bookmark every time!
I also disliked DD for that like week or 2 of downtime they said would be 3 days…overall very pleased~!
*scratching head* So I’m still curious as to why there is no Part 10 to this sequence. Is ten an unlucky number or has it been relegated to the imaginary realm with the square root of -1 and the true number of Ziggy fans?
Part 10 exists. Check the archive. I swear it’s there.
Yaay! Are you gonna put up some Project Wonderful ads? I will update my links instanter.
I will be putting up some big, flashy, distracting PW ads as soon as they approve the site.
The site does look nice. Watch Jake come out with the head of the Unicorn covered in blood. Doesn’t unicorn blood have some special affects? Or was that in Harry Potter…
if only they had the car keys this unicorn battle could be decided pretty quick
they do, that’s how they got into the car.
Run it over! Actually, since deer accidents tend to be really bad, that might not be a good idea….
Excellent! Much smoother (and easier to remember URL) than the other hostings.
You should just move it over to, that’s where all the other drunkduck members are now. Plus it’s got no ads and it’s free
I thought about that for awhile. Comicfury seems cool. But I really wanted the comic to have it’s own site. I’m tired of saying “Hey, try my comic, it’s at http://www.something.something/something.jakerichmond.modestmedusa“
Your Link is broken =P
Which link?
Oh! Duh! I read these comments on my control panel comment screen, so the context isn’t always clear.
Yeah but it’s pretty cool because you get and a few other urls, so it’s less confusing.
AFAIK you can actually use your own domains with comicfury, I think I read something about that.
BTW, how do I actually navigate the archives on this site? I’ve not really found any navigation buttons. @_@
You’ll find the archive whatsit on the top left corner of the page. Click on it to go to any page in the archive. Navigation links can be under the comic itself on the right side. Right now they’re small and easy to miss, but I plan on changing that. They’re also currently under the facebook/reddit/twitter buttons, but that”ll change soon. Of course, you can also go to the next page simply by clicking on the comic image itself.
Ah, okay. That’s a bit confusing. Will you add arrows?
Yes. As soon as I can figure out how. It’s a priority.
Oh and just for reference, ComicFury does let you add your own domains. I guess this site works too but they got a favorite system like DD and I hate RSS.
Oh well, anything than DD is better. Especially once you add those arrows. xD
Nice! *sniffs* It even has that “new website” smell!
hey, hey! look at the new digs! necessity is truly the mother of invention. the jury is still out on the new DD for me, so, to be able to knock on your door is way cool! i don’t know how jake could do it, but it would be cool if he came riding it out the door, all pet-like.
As long as Jake continued to respond to our comments i’d go to
I enjoy the comic, but following it through the various hosting issues was getting to be a pain. So, yay for new site!
I just found these comics today, and I must say not bad! I do indeed enjoy them. One tip Id suggest to help the site be better is have an episode tab with the first comic first so new readers like myself dont have to scroll down in the archives for the next comic. Just a thought, keep up the good work =)
Steve, for some reason I’m not understanding what you’re saying. Could you describe it in more detail?
Well in the side archives its from oldest to newest, but I guess the easiest way for me to phrase it is to list them from oldest to newest, or have another link at the top (where it has facebook, shop, ect) and have a tab for all the comics in order from oldest to newest, maybe even ordering them in groups that go together (like the jake vs medusa or all the pokemon stuff). Its not that big of a deal, just a minor suggestion =P an example of what I mean is if you look at axe cop website and how they organize their comics, and you can find them just the actual comics themselves or you can see the comics in chapters, where it groups them together in the mini story arcs
I see. Thanks for explaining. I’ll look into making some kind of change based on what you’re saying as soon as I can. Thanks!
sorry, I meant newest to oldest in the first sentence for how they are in the archives lol
Way to support him in his time of need.
Man, Marah has no faith in Jake at all. Seriously, look at that beard. That is the beard of a man who can stab a chainsaw unicorn to death.
Wow. Your niece, man! That’s just awful o_o
If An Author Kill A Self-Insert, Is It Suicide Or Homicide.