– A few months ago my Mom came over to visit, and mentioned that she had caught up with Modest Medusa and was glad to see that Medusa was starting to act more like a normal child and less like an obnoxious twit. I’m paraphrasing, because I can’t remember exactly what she said, but it left me realizing that a lot of the time Medusa is really pretty awful. Of course, Jake is awful too and Marah wasn’t a great role model in a lot of ways either, and thats the fun of the comic, but I decided that when it was time for Medusa to go to school there needed to be someone who wouldn’t let her get away with that stuff.
– I’ll be doing a live draw thing on Saturday evening. Here’s the link. Come by and check it out!
– If you’re enjoying Modest Medusa please consider supporting my Patreon. Even $1 every month helps! Here’s the link.
Thank god for mother then.
That’s the first rule of school? I thought it was show up on time. Man I have had it wrong.
Well, you did not go running around hitting teachers and stuffing classmates in the bathroom, so you just got to go straight to rule 2: Always be on time for the start of school, closely followed with #3: Make sure that you always have your homework done, or at least attempted, if you do not understand how to do it correctly.
With Modest’s unique thinking, I’m starting to fear how her homework is gonna look when she doesn’t understand something…
She will probably draw a sheep or something
Fear’s not the word I’d use… anticipating? Yearning-for? Eagerly anticipating?
Modest: Is that a bad thing?
What will she do next? I hope she meets a teacher that reminds her of Marah. That would be sooo cool
I –<b?love– this vice principal! 😀 She’s so much fun!
I’m from the offices of Wasabi and Lamb and I represent a Ms. Medusa.
First, I’d like to see a printed copy of your school rules, passed by the Board of Education, which specifically states the rule you quoted to my client.
Second, I point out that your alleged rule specifically says “and” and not “or”. When my client runs around like crazy punching teachers without stuffing other students down the toilet or stuffs other students down the toilet without running around like crazy, she will be following the letter of your “rule” and we expect her to not be the victim of any harassment.
Quid pro ergo unum pax vobiscum.
Oh sure take all the fun out of school why don’t ya!
That’s a pretty specific rule.
“forcing other students into the toilet”
Guessing someone already tried that if it’s a rule
What a coincidence! That was the first rule of my old school too!
To be fair that’s 2 rules
Why, oh WHY is this comic so amazing? I just adore its deadpan humor. XD
First Rule Of School: Be cool, yo.
Second Rule: Dressing like Hitler at school just isn’t cool.
So dress as a ghost instead.
Is she going to get to the rule about not biting and petrifying teachers and schoomates? I don’t think she is! >:=)>
And do they do roleplay-type work in preparation for real life…?
Teacher: Good morning, customer! What would you like to purchase in my shop today? And remember that “purchase” means the same as “buy”.
Modest: One box of chocodiles… oh, er, please!
Teacher: I’m afraid we don’t have any chocodiles today.
Modest: WHAT?! You lie! Give them to me!
Teacher: *!AHEM!* *points at board*
Modest: ……(reads from board) Oh… dear… when… will… you… have… some…?
Teacher: We will have some later today.
Modest: Great!! Here’s my money!
Teacher: Er, no… you come back later, don’t you? And we don’t use real money, since this isn’t a real shop and I don’t have real things to sell you-
Modest: WHAT!!?!!?!!?!!?!! That’s stupid!!! What’s the point?!?!?! I’m going!!! *heads for door*
Teacher: Modest, stop! Come back here! Don’t make me put you in the naughty cupboard! We’ve secured all the vents this time!
Modest (from outside): I’m gonna go to the real shop and get some real chocodiles!
Teacher: Oh. Fine. *gets out mobile phone, calls* Hello? Is that the convenience store? She’s on her way, again. Get the net trap set up, and I’ll have someone round there with the trolley. Okay… ‘bye. *ends* Alright… Timmy, you can go next. …Good morning, customer! What would you like to purchase in my shop today?
Every shop in the neighborhood has a medusa net.
i should have done that at school! that wasnt a rule as far as i know!
The last panel made me laugh out loud XD!