I’m not sure if being a “smart ass” counts as being smart, Modest!
I’m not sure if the snakes agree…
I’m not even sure if Modest has an ass… I presume she has the “plumbing” but does she have an actual butt? Hummm…
A website named I-am-bored (with the dashes, thanks to cyber-squatters!) which is for bored people.
I hope I can mention it! I try to mention Modest Medusa there often!
You won’t be seeing me on IAB again. Kitteh9lives kicked me off. This isn’t the place to go into details but I’ll say she can dish out the insults but she sure can’t take them.
I’m not sure if being a “smart ass” counts as being smart, Modest!
I’m not sure if the snakes agree…
I’m not even sure if Modest has an ass… I presume she has the “plumbing” but does she have an actual butt? Hummm…
Are you the same 5Cats from IAB?
Indeed I am!
Unless you hate that guy, then I’m someone else…
I try to get ‘5Cats’ or some variation of it wherever I virtually go.
What a small internet! I used to be JCLV.
Oh cool! I recall you too!
It’s still the same place, even though FancyLad left and Kitteh9lives runs it now… different people, same stuff!
What is IAB?
A website named I-am-bored (with the dashes, thanks to cyber-squatters!) which is for bored people.
I hope I can mention it! I try to mention Modest Medusa there often!
Fine with me.
You won’t be seeing me on IAB again. Kitteh9lives kicked me off. This isn’t the place to go into details but I’ll say she can dish out the insults but she sure can’t take them.
i-am-bored.com IAB for short.
Don’t do it modest, you’ll become an uncreative brick like all the other kids!
Many of us wanted to go to school before we knew how it really was…
No, Modest, don’t listen to Claije. Come to us. Join the dark side.
I don’t know. Seems like a school where the staff has purple and blue hair would inspire creativity.
“And I will be the best at teeth!”
I love that line.
And knowing is half the battle!
Yup, Modest is definitely living up to her name.
There are different kinds of smart and they all need to be nurtured and mature. ^^
You tell ’em, Modest!
“I have a sister named Science!” (LOL)
Oh that smarts!… ouch!
Some kids become lumps. The bright ones stay bright in spite of the government tests and stuff!
That is the exact same kind of bait-and-switch tactics Charles Xavier pulled.
Oooooooo – look – school for mutants
Then without warning, you have to take regular math and science classes if you enroll.
Get out now, Modest, while you can.
Wait, how the *heck* is she moving with her tail covered? >@.@x.x;;;<