-So I was out of town last Friday helping my Mom inspect her new house. While I was gone my friend Jeff was migrating my site to my new host (Visionmule.com, which Jeff owns and runs). The migration went just fine, except for three things (none of which are Jeff’s fault by the way). First, the site was gone for about a half hour. Which isn’t a big deal, except when I got home I had about 100 messages worried that something had happened! By now you know that everything is fine, but I appreciate the concern!
Two, I didn’t know how to change the settings for something or other and that meant I couldn’t upload Monday’s page. Jeff filled me in on what I needed to do, but that’s why the last update didn’t make it up until Monday evening.
Three, no one can leave comments. I didn’t even notice until yesterday. I thought you all just didn’t have much to say about Friday and Monday’s strips! I’m not sure what exactly the problem is, but I suspect it’s a wordpress setting that I’m overlooking. Jeff’s on it, but if any of you have any insight please feel free to send me a message over on Facebook, Google+, DA, Tumblr, Drunk Duck, Twitter… I post a lot of places. Or just try posting. maybe it’ll be fixed by the time you read this?
-I got my table confirmation for APE, so it looks like everything is set! I’ll be back in San Jose at the beginning of October. I’ve never been to the Alternative Press Expo before, but the venue is EXACTLY the same as Fanime’s Artist Alley when I was there in 2013. So if you saw me then… same place. I got what looks like the very worst table in the show, but whatever. I still have a feeling it will be a good show.
-I’m able to go to APE because of a very successful GoFundMe campaign funded by spectacularly generous fans and friends. Thank you all so much. I really appreciate it! The campaign is over now and teh extra money has gone write into my Kickstarter shipping fund.
-New Ghost Kiss and Asami Loves Korra comics are on the way. I’m also launching a new project later this month that I think some of you will be interested in. more news on that in a week or two.
-Anyone interested in looking at the Magical Land of Yeld RPG text? Nick and I are working out final kinks and adjusting numbers before our editor gets to help us turn the text into something that’s actually readable and not just a textbook. Send me a message if you’re interested in seeing some unpolished RPG rules. Nick and I are still hoping to launch Yeld this year.
Now there is a question, isn’t her hair still her? It’s part of her, so how is it separate?
Or would it be like Siamese twins? Two people, but connected?
Shouldn’t it be her and 4 different snake hair then?
How independent from her and each other are they?
If the story of Modest’s mother is to be believed, then yes, her hair is part of her. What’s worrisome is that the smart snake may grow to be the dominant persona.
A narc in every class. That girl’s going to be real popular.
Check check 1 check. Modest’s sneaky snake gets her in trouble yet again.
I don’t see how that is cheating, her hair is part of her.
I think it’s just because it’s an advantage the other kids don’t have. This is kind of grey area though. I don’t envy the teacher here
that is stupid, then again in grade school I could already read so was sent to the principle’s office and they called my mom because I was reading above my grade level. they wanted all the kids at the same level. honestly though if that is the case then spelling tests should be banned because it is unfair to dyslexic children. everyone has advantages and disadvantages, I mean how many of the other kids had a mom who literally ate her kids?
Do they share one brain? Do we need five tests? if the hair is intelligent does it ever get bored doing nothing? does it represent the mind of the hydra she’ll grow up into? SO MANY QUESTIONS
maybe it’s just funny
actually thinking about it, what if Modest and her hair are controlled by different parts of the brain, the hair more logical and Modest more creative. by not letting Modest work with her hair you are making it harder for her to access that part of her mind that actually stores the information. just a thought.
Can hair snakes even write?
Smart snake will probably become dominant if Modest ages into adulthood here as she would in Yeld. Hoping our universe doesn’t allow that!
wait… doesn’t she have six snakes? So shouldn’t she have to do six more tests?
Just 4
I was expecting your site to be gone at some point when I heard about the move. Half a hour isn’t bad. I guess some people didn’t hear about it a head of time.
Do you read the web comic Grrl Power? The artist just released another another voting incentive on TWC. It is a group shot with a number of characters from different cartoons. Some I recognize and some I don’t. I don’t know if he told you before hand but one of those characters is Modest.
On the note of today’s comic, I’m not sure if the hair should take separate tests. I do know they likely have their own brains like an octopus has a brain in each arm. Still the snakes are always with her so would they know anything she shouldn’t? Well they could likely learn a few things she wasn’t paying attention. Would that be 5 different tests?
I saw the Grrl Power thing. It was really cool. I don’t really know Dave, but we’ve talked a few times, and I like his comic.
Her hair is totally dumb, Modest.
Does a misspelling on a comic concerning a spelling test count as ironic or is that some other *separate* thing?
Seperate is my weakness. And teh. Thanks for noting it.
You’re welcome. 🙂
If the snakes can share her detention the snakes can share their answers.
And what are they going to do when one of the snakes becomes valedictorian and Modest has been held back a grade?
For once i agree with modest.
…And how exactly does the teacher expect the hair to take the test? It doesn’t have hands, which basically means that Modest now has to do 2x as much work for no reason.
And how is it cheating? It’s literally a part of her.
Testo… testo…
The previous page reminded me of Casey & Finnegan from the Mr.Dressup show! You can find clips on YouTube & see what I mean. Timeless kids comedy!
About time you migrated the site, old one was tediously slow.
I only have time to check your site once or twice a week and red up on Medusa, however the first thing I thought today was “Huh, that was quick for this site has he moved host?” Then I read your news post 😉
Yeah, I’m not sure if it was my fault or the host, but the site had slowed down a lot this year. New site seems fine!
The hair gets a doctorate before Modest finishes highschool!
I think this is a more philosophical question for the teacher which asks her just how many students does she actually have in Modest. Just one? Two? Five? Imagine Jake’s surprise when Modest brings back a handful of report cards.
To the teacher’s credit, she’s taking this as her own mis-assumption and oversight, and not faulting Modest.
Also, if I was the teacher, I’d test Modest’s hair too, just out of pure curiosity to find out if it was different from her, and just how different is was.
Modest: Redefining the term “hair-brained”.
While I can certainly easily make the argument that her hair is a part of her and it’s not cheating, I do like the idea of separate tests, if we assume Modest’s mom is to be believed, I don’t know, it just feels like the snakes being treated as separate entities might help the human-like part of her remain dominant, I’m not even sure if I’m explaining this coherently let alone how to explain my reasoning.
This all still begs the question of why modest is being tested on curriculum she hasn’t been taught. Even if she were a new addition she would have at least been given sheets to study like other kids – you don’t just throw kids into a test on stuff they’ve never seen or been told to go look up themselves.
This one made me laugh out loud!
Man, I’m sorry that I didn’t realize I was missing your comic sooner!
very good
The website looks good.