I slept in and missed posting this strip last night (sorry). While I was sleeping Modest Medusa dropped down to the #10 spot on the TWC top 10. Oh crap! We’re lagging behind #9 by about 100 votes and #8 by about 300 votes. Now that I’ve tasted the #9 spot, I want it back! Help me out by voting like crazy! Just click on the link below. It only takes about 10 seconds.
On an unrelated note, if you live in Portland Oregon you should check out the Women of Wonder event at Excalibur comics this Sunday from noon- 6pm. This is a Wonder Woman inspired charity auction featuring original art by dozens of cartoonists (including myself). Come by and see some art or place a bid for charity! My contribution is this 9 x 12 pen and ink illustration, hand colored with Copic markers. It was tons of fun.
I totally agree with slitherlocks. Your neice is ADORKABLE! Now if only I could find that mythical bar…I bet the booze tastes like fairy pedals.
Don’t mess with Marah when she has a sword!
yea, havin’ a sword on your hip, and an attitude on your lip does wonders for your cool factor.
7 more votes to go!
I just voted and you’re now 3 points ahead and in 9th place again!
thanks! I Appreciate it!
“Sword butt!” X-D
What she lacks in wit she more than makes up for in bravado. Mara rocks. Another great page. This month you really should be a solid TWC #7. Hmmm…
Dayum! Those Copic markers aren’t cheap! We’ll get you up on the list, no worries! THE BEST WEBCOMIC HAS THE BEST FANS!
Yes. Best Fans!
Marah has to work on her trash talk a little.
But isn’t it interesting that the mermaid suddenly wants to talk to Medusa when she’s with her cool friend? That is sooooooo high school.
any chance we could get a high rez version of the awesome wonderwoman with medusa art for use as wallpaper?… in return for a small donation, of course.
I’ve never seen a better looking version of wonderwoman 🙂
I’ll see about posting one later this week.
yay! 🙂
see what happens when you sleep in?
its gods way of saying always be punctual
That’s right, Sword Butt. Just back the heck off and no one’ll have to cart your fat hide to the monster hospital… IN A JAR! SHOO I SAID!
While I don’t mind voting… I was wondering if having an incentive image would encourage more people to vote? :p
reminds me of supernatural when castiel tried to get sam/satans attention yelling “HEY ASSBUTT!” good times , good times. Lets just hope this doesnt come back to bite marah {possibly literally} thugs dont like being emasculated.
There is no reason why “Sword Butt” is funny.
And yet…
here I am considering calling people Sword Butt from now on
congrats on 7th see swords and trash talking gets you all kinds of votes less then 1000 need to make 5th.
And sweet strip.
OK, myself and another dozen or so people managed to bring it to #7. It’s ok to stop voting now 😛
NO ITS NOT! Vote moar! lol….
Not to mention how much that would hurt
we need to get Modest Medusa to 5th place because we were promised a prize.
Please stop begging for votes. You’re better than that.
If readers like it, they will. If you keep begging – I won’t.
Fair enough. I wanted to spend November pushing to see how far we could get in the TWC top 100, and I figured the best way to do that would be to remind people each update. I won’t be doing this next month.
Swordbutt, son of Swordmouth!
I seriously need this as a T-Shirt! Will pay!