Posted In: comic
Hi everyone. I’ve been dealing with computer problems that have kept me from being able to do any digital work all week. I THINK I’m making progress figuring it out, but we’ll see. The good news is I can still draw on paper, so whenever I get this resolved I’ll have two new strips ready to color. The bad news is thats not today. Hopefully it will be Monday.
Thanks for your patience.
(Yes, this image is an obscure Star Trek reference)
Did someone just watch Star Trek IV?
Not recently but I was thinking about it.
I might be showing my age here, but since when is Star Trek IV obscure?
I mean, it came out when I was pretty young.
But it was repeated multiple times since then, it’s not one-time event someone who didn’t lived through can’t remember.
Sure. But while Star Trek as a concept is mainstream, individual Star Trek episodes and movies aren’t. Its not an obscure reference for a trek fan. Its almost certainly a completely incomprehensible reference for anyone who isn’t a Trek fan. Even a non-trek fan who saw the movie likely wouldn’t make the connection. Especially if they haven’t seen it for 20+ years.
“Hello computer.”
Ah! That’s the reference. 😺 Thx.
it’s not plugged in, of course the computer can’t hear you