Posted In: comic
Back from Gen Con. This strip is up late because I was totally exhausted from the trip and slept most of the day. It was great to meet so many of you at the con though! I have a lot of stuff to say about the con, new projects and teh Season 2 book, but I’ll wait till Weds.
So, how much are the 50 or so DS’s for Modest’s sisters going to cost Jake? New kickstarter!
First ting first, it’s nice to have you back.(even if you where back for a wild now.) second now it’s not the time to catch them all when some one is trying to catch you all. third, I can see a rematch between jake and the night of chain.
Pokemon, better than treasure.
Pokemon, better than treasure
The power of that thing is hypnotic.
Given the way people people act in this comic, I’m actually a bit surprised that the other medusas don’t already know what pokemon are.
You have to remember that they don’t get out as much as our girl Modest.
First panel:
You wrote “becasue” in the first panel.
I love pirates more than pokenmon, so that’s a no for me. 🙂
Sorry medusa and JAKE! 😮
Bow before the mighty power of VIDEO GAMES!!!! It is one of the only true keys to peace!
Hehehe, can’t wait to see this ‘pokemon’ ;p
Oh annnnd I’m currently working on the plushies tutorial -__- Sorry it’s taking a bit longer, sooo you’ll get the pictures and WORD doc by this weekend the latest as we can discuss whats the best way to format it for the book ^^
Okay. No big hurry.
I can see where this is going. The Quest for the Enchanted Batteries. Or the Really Big Fireflies.
It’s sort of interesting that Pokemon are almost 20 years old and they are still popular enough to be so frequently referenced without people thinking it’s stupid.
Awww she gave Modest back the DS.
That’s debatable, Modest (still gotta get used to that).
Like beauty, “treasure” is in the eye of the beholder, what is valuable to one might be mere junk to another.
Pokemon is no treasure to me, but I will blow your mind when I find something BETTER, that’s right I SAID BETTER, than pokemon.
They have no idea what she’s talking about. :3
inb4 “My name is treasure!”
they’re gonna start a gameboy cult
I want to address that Jake looks like a mix between Dave Grohl and Lemmy Kilmister.