Hey, welcome to Season 2!
For those of you who took a break afte rthe end of season 1 2 weeks ago you may be surprised to see that we kept updating. We’ve had some great fill strips over the last two weeks. Click back to check them out!
The Modest Medusa Season 1 kickstarter is going very well. The original goal was to raise $2100 to finance a modest print run of the first ever Modest Medusa book. We’ve exceeded that goal by an alarming extent, so much so that our print run will no longer be quite so modest! As of this writing we’ve generated almost $5000! thanks everyone. Really, thanks so much!
I had originally said that if we surpassed the original goal by a certain amount I would create a set of three page comics for the book featuring supporting characters like Charles and the Mermaids. Well, you guys have contributed enough to unlock all 4 of the bonus comics I had planned. Congratulations! As it stands now the book will contain 22 pages of new comics. That’s almost 1/4 of a full season! I’ve decided to offer one last incentive. If we reach $10,000 I’ll do a 3 page comic featuring Medusa’s mother!
Anyway, the Kickstart isn’t just about giving me money. We’re offering all kinds of great rewards, like exclusive prints and stickers, hand colored panels, walk on appearances, custom made medusa hats and (of course) signed copies of the book! There’s still 2 weeks to pledge. Plenty of time!
Convention: I’ll be at Kumoricon this weekend, sharing an artist alley table with Ben Hsu (of Dubious Company). We’ll also be doing a special panel Sunday evening (and giving out chocodiles). Come see us!
Pirates and hydras and Chainicorns, oh my!
Can’t wait!
The success of the Kickstart must feel pretty good, yah? It gives you a good, solid measure of just how popular that adorable little snake-girl is. So, honesty time: did it catch you by surprise?
It did. I was… optimistic about having the project funded. I figured it was doable. I did not expect it to happen in the first 48 hours though. Or to reach 200% funding. Or just the number of people who were willing to contribute $100 or more. It’s pretty stunning.
ok… I am in anticipation for this because I know it will be awesome, but unless there’s another gorgon off screen and “the Medusa,” you might want to take another look at her hair in panel two.
Also, are we ever going to get a name for the girl? It is awkward calling her “the Medusa.”
Looks like i forgot to ink a line. We’ll say that’s just a super long snake, trailing all the way down her back, than all the way up again off panel.
Or it could just be some random tree snake.
it’s body is behind the body of the snake just below it! o3o
so the lower snake is covering the top snake going off panel!
You win a “no prize”!
can i substitute it for a paperclip i found under my keyboard? >.>;
-waits impatien…
YAAA IT’S OUT!!! ^(^.^)^ -does happy dance-
wait, why are the comments like 3 hours ahead? o.O;
also sorry if i’m commenting to much just leme know and i’ll stop o.o
I think the timestamp for the comments is probably GMT. Lemme check. I’m posting this at ~15:30, my time (US CDT); GMT should be ~21:30
O-kay, so it’s GMT+1, or Central European Time
My guess would be British Summer Time (UTC+1). Someone set up the system to run on GMT, but they forgot to turn of day light saving time.
I have to admit I personally hate British Summer Time (as opposed to British summer time, which is really quite lovely), having had to recover data that was timestamped in BST when it was supposed to be timestamped in UTC.
Personally, I’ve always detested “daylight savings time” of any sort. The philosophy behind it always struck me as being “let’s make the rope longer by cutting off one end and tying that to the other end!” Something deep within me utterly rebels at the entire concept. 😀
1: I (probably the only one) am happy her name is a mystery. How about you make it a $20,000 kickstart goal–so her name remains a mystery for a while.
2: OMfG is that *mom* in the last panel? I hope mom isn’t angry at MM. Hopefully MM brought along a Chocodile!
3: I just don’get panel 3. (sorry) But it is fun to look at. Are those pirate hamsters? Reminds me of the short-lived comic spoof of TMNT (Radioactive Black-belt Adolescent Hamsters) but that was when TMNT was just barely a dozen issues in comics (I am olllld).
Yaay! Chainsaw Unicorn is back!
i thoughtthey were ferrets?
and i thought medusa WWAASSS her name?
everybody just adds “the” at the front coz they don’t realize it’s her name?
but then again, they only add “the” when refering to her…
it makes sense in my head that her name is her species! =o
like how i’m “Panda”, everybody just calls me Panda when talking to me but refers to me as “The Panda” when talking about me
and why my gravator thing no work D:
sad panda is sad! D:
kitteh hugz sad panda
yaa i has hugs!
Her species is Gorgon not Medusa. Medusa is just one of the notable Gorgons in greek myth. And I don’t really think she has a proper name yet, if anything Medusa is a nickname. I think xD
oh come on thats just not right two weeks and we only get a preview oh come on man
And, worse, it’s Labor Day Weekend–a three-day weekend in the states; so, we’ll have to wait until [i]Tuesday[/i], at the earliest, for more than just a teaser!
(Don’t take me seriously; I certainly do not speak for Jake in any way. I just couldn’t resist the jibe, though.)
Sorry, sorry. Although with the way this con is going I might not be able to update till Tuesday after all.
Take the time you need, guy; I enjoyed Season 1, and I’m glad to see Season 2 is on its way, apparently fully scripted out and even with a handful of panels drawn, inked, and colored already.
Cons are important to the success of a webcomic, too; the exposure and the networking really help. And, of course, your own health is critical to Modest Medusa! So, as I said: take the time you need; your fans understand.
YES! wooo <3
Well then it’s the second looks like later today after i pay the bills itll be my turn to contribute.
Let’s Get Kracken! 😀
So Jake how does it make you feel when your hugged by Modest Medusa? {Modest actually works as her name {until you say otherwise} because if it was an adjective she’d be THE Modest Medusa}
I’ve lost all desire to name her, so that works.
Anyway, she lives in a toilet, so hugs aren’t that great.
Wow! I love the coloring all over this one, and the pirate scene totally kicks ass. (Plus it’s strangely similar to something I’m working on today)
I actually thought of you while I was drawing that. I almost made them monkey pirates!
good luck, and the new season looks awesome!
great page
So here’s what sleepiness and observation has me noticing
1. Medusas family has recently moved to the woods/a new part of the woods.
2. Medusas mother calls chainsaw unicorn her knight.
If Medusas mother is a queen and thus has knights at her disposal she’s recently had to move her residence for some reason or another perhaps being dethroned and is being hunted with only a few loyal guardians to protect her and her family.
3. Chainsaw Unicorn appears first as a creepy looking horse. {“Creepy looking horses are only important in clive barker movies” an old parody radio play i heard awhile back}
This could indicate that at a certain age all mythical creatures learn how to appear as ordinary creatures of the Human world. or at the very least that the Chainsaw Unicorn is the equivalent to Wolverine “Does it hurt?” “Every time”
4. The look on medusas face and chainsaw unicorns face in season 2 preview. Could indicate that he’s supposed to be the Sebastian the Crab to Medusa’s Ariel. Medusa doesnt want to be followed. And Chainsaw Unicorn’s cruel smirk makes you wonder if he might try and kill Medusa and frame Jake for it.
5. Modest Vs Mommy. the final panel might indicate this to some people. but in my opinion if Momdusa confronts Modest she’s just going to cry. She’s five years old the only rebellion she can put up herself might be a temper tantrum which would be uneffective against Momdusa.
6. Pirates.
Interesting observations. I like to tell people that I just make this all up as I go, but I do have plans.
This is such an awesome concept (and he is so cute too!) that he cannot simply be dismissed as a side-villain or bit character. He is actually worthy of his own series, in time, if the writing were … well at least as good as MM has continued to be. CU is a character whose time has come, whether he gets his full due in MM. It is too bad Jake kicked his ass so hard, but then again, Jake is central to the story. I hope we get to see more of CU at some point. And I doubt he would ever hurt MM. Only Jake has done that so far.
usually when it comes to donating/preordering i’d spur masses on to donate promoting the book everywhere. I’d even wear a message on my forhead saying to buy the book and check out the site. But then i couldn’t afford to participate myself. However I have participated this time {see your comments Jake}. despite losing 100 dollars today. {not losing like gambling i literally loss an 100 dollar bill] Thats how much I care about this comic. Why do i care? Because two main reasons.
1. I actually care about the characters. Modest {seriously lets get everyone calling her Modest now} is a loveable character I want to hug her even though she lives in a toilet and has fangs and has hair with fangs and one day will be able to turn people into stone. She’s just a sweet little girl. But I also Like Jake’s Character. He’s very well written. He’s not a Gary Stu like some might claim so far no tragic back story. he’s a nerd who can be gruff but has a good heart and is generally a cool guy. Kind of like Jet from Cowboy Bebop.
2. Jake in real life is actually very friendly and because of this comment section does his best to get back to people and such. Scott Kurtz of PVPonline used to answer emails but since he changed his email he doesnt. Jake cares about his fans. It’s one of the reasons we care about him.
Thank you for all your hard work Jake. I just want to say i’ll be here for a long time and i’ll own season 2 season 3 season 4 and so on.
P.S. Also Soon i’ll be Changing my moniker to fit my true alias. Jerus
P.P.S. I was not drunk while writing this just a little sleepy
I always appreciate being compared to Jet.
Anyway, thanks. I really appreciate the support you and everyone else has given the comic, not just during the Kickstarter but also over the last several months. The reason this comic has beocme so popular so quickly has little to do with me and everything to do with you guys spreading the word and being very, very cool. Thanks.
Okay here’s a game!
Let’s count how many of these scenes WON’T show up in the season! I’m evil! >:3
That’s a fair game. I had a ton of stuff I never got around to in season 1either.
Oh yeah, one last thing before this page gets pushed back into archives. I love the way mom’s snakies look evil and scary and deadly–but so cute at the same time. I want them to smile; but I have the feeling that is not something they are really capable of. Death by cute (giant) snakes!
And now that I look at it, I think I figured out panel 4 by seeing what’s not included. But I hate spoilers so Ima keep my big yap *shut*.
On the Issue of Modest’s name one final note.
Considering the serpentine nature of gorgons Modest’s true name is probably a series of hisses Jake can’t replicate. Therefore we get Modest.
Also what if Modest Medusa listened to Modest Mouse
It makes me wonder is Medusa standing on her mothers head or some other part of her mothers body and what are the pirate animals i am not sure if they are ferrets or dingos or some other small creature with sharp teeth. and in panel 1 is that a walrus or a whale or some diffrent creature?
Is Medusa’s fourth snake asleep or crippled in the 2nd panel also chainsaw Unicorn looks more evil then before or is it Chainsaw Unicorn’s eviler twin sister or brother not sure of the gender of regular one or is Chainsaw Unicorn holding a grudge.
I just subscribe to the RSS and don’t miss a thing. 😉
Ferret weasel pirates! Mind explodes into bits and pieces.
Were’d he get that arm from?