Posted In: comic
We’re entering the last few days of the Modest Medusa Kickstarter. The project ends on Monday and we’re about 85% funded. Thank you all so much for your support! if you were thinking about checking out the project but haven’t yet… now’s the time! Here’s the link!
I… can’t really guess which one of them would be more likely to be right. Maybe Jenny’s being paranoid because she’s used to living in Yeld; or maybe there’s actually another visitor from Yeld?
I’m thinking that by now she’s learned what a racoon scurrying about sounds like. This has all the ear marks of something decidedly else.
I mean, it *could* be something else, but she’s making a good case for raccoons.
They never care about your extra powerful senses they just care that you’re letting the critters in
Suddenly Raccoon and Raccoon pop out of the bushes
I saw a Racoon once. It was a little pirate girl made of snakes! Why would a pirate be this far inland if not to hunt down a rogue mermaid? Jenny is right to be scared, Racoons are stabby.
Their paws are like little hands!
Don’t leave that cig burning.