Posted In: comic
Everyone has been telling me that the new Mad Max game is pretty good, so I guess it’s a perfect time for Imperator Furisoa Medusa (even though Furiosa isn’t in that game, I guess). I drew this a few months ago after seeing the movie for the second or third time. This is the September sticker of the month for Patreon backers. You can check out my Patreon here.
So I’m not the only one who is theorizing that this snake is going to be the dominant one.
Anyone wanna help give it name? How about “Smarty?”
It appears to be the same snake that is already known as Sneaky Snake. That bit is a little confusing to me unless I’m completely wrong ong Sneaky.
Oh man! Is it Sneaky? I’mma have to go over the lore and find out! This is actually kinda intriguing!
Nope. Sneaky is lower-right. Smarty is upper-right.
Perhaps this snake should be in the advanced classes…
Maybe Smart Snake could get a job as tutor for Modest to help catch her up to grade level, and get paid in Chocodiles.
Didn’t Hair put their name on their test? You’d think she’d know what to call them if their name was on their test.
Its soooo not fair that her hair is treated as not her! Poor Modest!
Come on, that sheep picture was worth more than just 30 points.
Wasn’t that the snake that keeps eating everything?
Learning by ingestion?
Cognitive osmosis?
It’s okay Modest if you average the scores together you got a sixty-five! That’s respectable.
65 is respectable? It’s not even passing 🙁
It’s not?
Used to be 50 was a failing grade. In university I squeaked by with more than one high 50s, low 60s.
Of course if I had ever studied…
medusa should to short her hair or she is so dead.
Modest, I think it is time to ask Sneaky to tutor you xD.
Heh heh heh, this is too weird. Aren’t all the heads including the humanlike one supposed to have the same brain, just different personalities?
Each snake has its own small brain, which appears to connect with the much larger brain in the main body, but that does not mean that they do not have different personalities. Their digestive tracts dump into the one of the main body. At least these snakes seem to realize they are part of a larger whole, unlike real conjoined/two-headed snakes.
Poor Modest. If you remember the story of her mother, her hair just became more and more dominant until her ‘human’ part just wasted away.
You can see the seeds of the same thing eventually happening here.
Was it Mr. Hand from Fast Times at Ridgemont High who announced the grades when he handed tests back? Mrs. Booth is almost doing the same thing – “Good job, good job, study harder…”
I love this page. That awkward “This is weird but I’ll go with it” moment with Ms. Booth and Modest’s hair-snake is hilarious. I agree with the previous comments though… hair-snake needs a name.
Oh, I get it now. This was a math test and her snakes are adders. Of course she did well.