My brother.

I tried drawing the first panel a few times, but I couldn’t get the pose quite right.  I ended up having to look for some photo reference, and failing that, ended up referencing this illustration. Which is funny, because I’ve been watching Durarara all week, and I had decided to base Will’s look in these two strips off the character Celty from that series (who is the character in the image in the link). Weird. Anyway…

Convention: I’ll be at the Jet City Comic Show this Saturday. Come by and see me, get a free Chocodile andbuy a t-shirt!

Book: The book is comic along. Most of the bonus comics are drawn, and I’m in the coloring and lettering phase. Hard work! I’m still talking to printers, but I expect to have made my choice by the end of the week. I’ll keep you posted. If you contributed to the Kickstarter you should have received an email asking for info like your address, hat size or whatever.

Star Wars: Spent last nigh drawing Jedi for a game thing. You’ll see it later this week, I think. Fun! I haven’t drawn Star Wars stuff in awhile.