Posted In: comic
– If you live in the Portland area please come out for Fanaticon on Saturday. You can find all the details here.
– My new book, 24 Hour Modest Medusa, is now available for sale on my store. I know a lot of you weren’t able to get a copy of the book during the Kickstarter, so here it is now. I’ll be happy to sign any copy thats ordered through my store. Here’s the link. If you’re an international fan please contact me for shipping info.
Hair! Get back on my head!
I’ve been saying that for 20(?) years!
I have a saying, men don’t lose their hair it just migrates downward.
How far are we talking about?
So the dream woke her up, just not all the way.
Just had to laugh out loud at that last panel.
Thank goodness I am the only one in the office this afternoon.
Keep up the unexpected funnies, Jake. I love ’em.
“Hair. Get back on my head” ROFL How do you come up with these?
waaay too cute.
“Hair! Get back on my head!” – There have been words of wisdom in the face of loss, words of defiance in the face of a prince who might as well be a demi-god, but these… these are the best words ever written in Modest Medusa.
I know the feeling Modest, I’ve said that too but mine won’t come back unless I start buying Rogaine.
Modests expressions are adorable 🙂
Traitorous hair snakes, defecting to the heads of others.
I think she needs to use the sleep.
Wow, the adrenaline from the scare wore off fast…
Lucky for him it was his head that she saw her missing snakes on.
Modest: zzz… *lapses back into dreams*
Clerk of Court: Court is in session, the honourable justice Miss Booth presiding. Court will hear the case brought by Miss Modest Medusa against Meg’s Dad for custody of hair.
Justmiss Booth: The first priority of the court is to do what is best for the hair in this case. What say you, hair?
Serpents 1, 3 & 4: *detach themselves from Modest’s head, wriggle over to Meg’s Dad*
Modest: NO! ;_;
Justmiss Booth: Silence in court!
Meg’s Dad’s longest dreadlock: … *detaches and wriggles over to Modest*
Modest: ;_; *reaches down to pick up dreadlock, notices:* Hey! I have legs!!
Meg: They came to a mutual agreement with your tail… *tries to coil tail under her* This is going to take some getting used to.
Modest: …OBJECTION!!!!!
Justmiss Booth: This will have to be heard as a separate case! The court will now adjourn for Chocodile hatching, the honourable badass Samuel L Jackson presiding.
Samuel L Jackson: Choc is now in session! And the first order of choc is: we do not eat all the damn Chocodiles! ‘Cos they are just so damn yummy!
Modest (asleep): Chocodiles… Chocodiles… yum!
Meg: She’s fine. Sweet dreams, Modest!