Posted In: comic
– I had a great time this week with my students at Fanaticon. If you managed to make it to the show, thank you very much! I hope you had fun too!
– I’ll be at Wizard World Portland this weekend. Not entirely sure where my table is in Artist Alley, but please look for me!
– The new 24 Hour Modest Medusa book is now available through my online store for just $10. Here’s the link.
Welp, that’s adorable. It’s just too fucking cute, god damn it. Look at those snakes.
Its so awesome that Modest has a friend like her
Its awesome that Modest has a friend like her.
Is Snuggle Snake one of the hitherto unnamed snakes?
Sleeping in a bed full of snakes is a natural part of growing up like learning to tie your shoes or walking to school by yourself.
I’d be scared. Those snakes can turn people they bite into stones, and we don’t know how exactly does it work…
The only time that has happened, was when Modest was in danger. The mermaid was trying to capture her and had her in a net. The snakes only acted in defense.
a friend will go with you to the end of the world a true friend will go with you anywhere
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. 🙂
How did you make a bed of snakes so CUTE
Aww that last panel, so cute
Who wears braids when they sleep I can see if ekans forgot because she fall alsleep having so much fun…eh I’m just being picky no big deal.
Thats a good point. I’ve never even considered what her hair looks like unbraided. I’ll have to think about that.
I went to bed with my hair in braids when I was around that age. It’s totally a thing.
Also, awwww, the last two panels are so darn cute!
I started braiding my hair specifically because it got tangled if I slept on it.
I did when I was a kid. My mom would french braid my hair before bed to keep it from getting too knotted up in my sleep. I still sleep with my hair pulled back, as it’s gotten wrapped around my neck in my sleep when it’s not. Low set braids like she is wearing are a great hairstyle for sleep.
I once had a girlfriend who was part Black. She kept her hair in braids because ethnic hair has its own management challenges. Heck, there are entire sections of aisles dedicated to ethnic hair.
The difference between a White person’s hair and a Black person’s starts at the scalp. If you were to look at where the follicle grows out on a White person, then you’ll see it’s round. On a Black person, however, it’s more narrow, like this: ()
This is what causes some people to have curly hair. The hair grows out the slotted hole and twists around and around. This can make hair difficult to manage, as it’s more difficult to pull a comb through. Thus, the demand for hair products to help manage this. Coconut lotions or oils are popular, as well as different types of braiding methods to keep hair in its place.
Now I’m not saying that that is the way it is for all White or all Black people, of course these are generalizations that I’m using to explain why this phenomenon occurs. (The more you knoooooww!)
I was also advised to do so “to straighten [my] hair”. The kind soul forgot to ask if I wanted to straighten my hair in the first place, though.
I sometimes shower then braid my hair before bed.
With my hair, getting it wet and then braiding it and letting it dry in a braid results in great wavy hair the next day when I undo the braids.
Tell the young folks that they did an awesome job! If they do another show, I will be there with high expectations, which I’m sure they will fulfill!
Thanks, they’ll be happy to hear that. they were so excited by the turn out. And thanks so much for coming!
Wouldn’t have missed it for the world!
This is SOOOOO cute! I wanna have some sleepy snakes to cuddle with at night too…
Meg is just the sweetest. c:
Fanaticon was fun! Louisa was so fab! I’m glad we got to take pictures together! 😀
And awww! Ekans and Modest are so cute together ♥ヮ♥
First “Aww”, with the snakes in panal 3. Second also, “Aww.”
yeah being all snakey she probably gets rrl cold at night. Then again she was okay in a toilet
I mean, the worst that can happen is we end up with a child-sized statue.
A child-sized statue that likes to jump out of windows. The liability insurance alone will cost a fortune.
So… shared dreams?
Modest: I had a dream about Yeld, and Meg was there! I sh0wed her all the places there, and all my enemies, and while they were looking at Meg I’d sneak behind them and then she’d push them hard and they’d trip backwards over me! Old meanypants Dragul thought he’d be clever and not let me sneak behind him, so instead Meg sneaked behind him and I pushed him! And then we turned into magical girls and hit him with our magic hammers, right on the-
Meg’s mom: Sausage and eggs! *deposits breakfast in front of her husband* Now, have you girls decided what you’re having?
Meg: Well, I was having the same as Modest! Right down to part where we hammered the Prince’s-
Modest: Nuts! *points at box of Crunchy Nut cornflakes* Can I have some of those?
Meg: Me too!
Meg’s mom: Certainly!
Don’t be so over-protective! I mean, it’s not like she’s dreaming about the last person her snakes killed!
New meaning to Cuddle Monster or is still the same. I can’t keep track.
The snakes are snuggling, she should be fine.
you know you should really pitch this as an animated show
Thats really adorable!
I’d love to do an animated pitch. It’s something I’ve been thinking about more and more.
Cassandra Peterson will be at Wizard World too. 🙂 <3 I'm SO JEALOUS of you right now.
You consistantly out-adorable yourself. It’s surreal.