Posted In: comic
– Has anyone tried Transistor yet? I’m thinking that will be my next game once I work my way through Bravely Default (you know, sometime next year).
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yeah i am still trying to make my way though bravery default too.
I’m enjoying it a lot, but I just don’t have much time to play.
I still have to get around to beating it myself.
Well she seems to have gotten her cheer back. Some of it anyway.
When in doubt go with a fart joke.
You know, for some reason I got to wondering if vampires fart. I suppose not, unless they eat and digest food. I wonder how Dragul would have responded to being farted on…
I doubt he’s the kind of guy that tolerates farts.
Territory marked.
Transistor is pretty amazing, excellent music, very flexible combat with lots of very viable options, story and backstory is engaging.
I enjoy the way she rises from her bed, like a vampire from a coffin in old horror movies.
Rise from your grave, Modest!
Also: “Pbbpt!”
Jake use gas attack, it was Super effective
Jake used Chemical Warfare (Hydrogen Sulphide).
It’s super-effective.
The Medusa retreats.
Now I’m wondering if/where/how Modest excretes?
Modest used Push. It was not effective.
Jake used Fart. It was super-unpleasant!
Modest has fainted.
Modest: Noo, if I had fainted, I wouldn’t have to smell it anymore! :-{ Why don’t I have a pokéball to retreat to?? X-{:=)>
For $20, Transistor has definitely been worth it. It’s very short, so you may as well get it, beat it, then get back to Bravely Default. (Which I would love to play, but can’t due to my solemn vow to never buy another Nintendo handheld until they get rid of the second screen and the migraine inducer (3D))
Ha, I didn’t see that coming!
He shoulda just done that to knock her out in the previous strip XD
This is the body’s natural defense against waking up in the morning.
Unconscious Jake uses Defense Gas!
His Defense rose!
Medusa gets hurt by the Gas!
She, um, I guess loses?
A fart joke. Classy as ever.