Posted In: comic
Today was going to be my first day back, but I got a few extra great strips, like this one from Addam Pool and I decided I should post them now instead of waiting till later and breaking up the story even more! So I’ll be back on Monday instead.
Also, don’t forget to come see me at Geek Girl Con this weekend!
lord of the rings if im not mistaken
reminds me more of Ursala’s sister…
It’s funny, but kinda dark. Jealous Medusa does not look like a cute snake girl at all in this style, which exactly suits it.
Waiting with bated breath for Monday (and looking forward to seeing what Friday shall bring us)!
OMG this is funny!!
Damm, she looks like a cranky old woman. Vengence do this to the body
I think your right about her looks, but she also kinda looks like a fat, sleepless, man.
They’ll notice if one is missing if that one is the one who is always complaining about how the rest of them act.
Someone found the chocodile stash!
Some how I don’t think the effects are quite the same as finding the other stash, well maybe if you’re a cat.