– This is the 1000th Modest Medusa strip (not counting all the extra strips I’ve done for books and odds and ends stuff). I remember reaching strip 25 and being amazed that I made it that far, an imagining that the comic would probably end somewhere around strip 200. Its been just over 9 years, which is… so long. Longer than any job I’ve ever had. Its also seemed to go by so quickly. Everything is so fast now.
Thank you all so much for reading this long. Thank you all for your support. I never wanted to do anything but make comics, and by the time I started Modest Medusa I thought that was impossible, and any chance I had to be happy doing what I loved had vanished years before. Its been a challenge making ends meet while working on this comics, but your support has made that possible, and I’d rather be poor and doing what I love than… well, poor and doing a job I hate. So thank you all. So much.
Modest Medusa Season 7 will be starting next month. It’ll be… different. I hope you’ll like it. In the meantime I have some really great guest strips to share over the next week or two, and the Kickstarter for the Modest Medusa Season 5 book (Modest goes to school!) will start early next month!
Modest has a lot of really good expressions in this one, I’d pick a favorite but I can’t!
Happy thousand!
Also I feel like you might’ve said season 6 would be different, too. They’re all different, that’s why they’re not a number you did already!
I knew S6 would be longer, and that was the big difference. 7 is different in a different way.
I can! My favorite is panel 2 😀
Congrats for this milestone!
I just found you on Webtoons, should I follow you there too? Also in the first half of this strip it looks like you gave Modest bulging eyes every second panel, in the sixth she looks like her sister, you know which one. And why did Jake let Jenny come? Also congratulations!
I update the same time on both, so you can follow either.
But what about the other stuff?
Other stuff?
I’m guessing they’re referring to Ghost Kiss, Asami Loves Korra, and maybe one-offs you do?
It’s probably not a bad idea to just
ghostfollow him on DeviantArt. Mistah J pretty-much uploads everything he draws there – though I haven’t seen many “exclusive” things, lately. Mostly just comic updates and the like! But, there’s some scraps ‘n limited-time stuff (“Late again?” templates…?) on there, I’m sure!I’d eventually like to have a single site with all my comics on it.
Is this meant to be one year since Modest came to Earth?
No. It was a year around the beginning of S5 (when she started school). So now its been less than a year and a half. Ekans and Jake probably just chose a random day for her birthday
Happy Birthday, Modest! And congratulations, Jake, on 1,000 strips!! That’s amazing! 🙂 I’ve been reading since your Book 2 Kickstarter. That’s how I found your comic. 🙂
Thanks for all of your support, Christi!
Happy Birthday(?) or whatever!! 1000 strips – Sandra and Woo published a monster 10 year book!
I’ve still got another year for 10 years!
Congrats on the huge milestone! <3
Uhh… What’s that girl doing in the first panel? Please tell me she’s not dabbing…
Shes putting on her coat.
In my defense, I’m an idiot. XD
Not at all. I guess it wasnt obvious enough.
Congratulations! 🙂
Having the teacher bring her home was the ultimate bait and switch.
Congratulations! I love this comic so much, and I am so glad I found it. It makes my week so much better
Happy (probably) seventh birthday Modest.
Yup! She is no officially 7!
Congrats on 1000!
Congratulations on 1000! May there be 1000 more! I know I’ll still be reading! Keep it up Jake!
Happy Birthday Modest and congratulations Jake for your 1000th strip.
It is incredible how fast time goes by. It’s now about 5 and a half years ago that I “met” Modest on theduckwebcomics by random. Where has the time gone?
Good luck and all the best for the next 1000!
Congratulations on making it to 1000! That’s a pretty satisfying milestone for comics making, if you keep track of it.
(This prompted me to check and apparently I’m somewhere around 950. Maybe I should start doing comics again.)
Wow, yeah, maybe you should?
Why you gonna make me cry? congratulations.
Congratulations on reaching 1,000 comics! It’s hard to believe there are that many Modest Medusa comics now!
Congratulations! It’s been so awesome following along on this journey with you!
Thanks Tony!
I haven’t been here since the very start and, honestly, I’m not even sure how I found this comic. All I know is that I’m very glad that I did.
You should be really proud that you’ve stuck with this for as long as you have, Jake. Even prouder, you’ve created a coherent, ongoing story with a minimum of plot-holes and inconsistencies! Bonus points for having the title character be a cute critter with a never-ending supply of curiosity (she’s probably why I found this, ha hah) and generating enough interest for your own TV Tropes page! But, in addition to that… thank you for sharing this whole story with us, in comic form, for over a thousand updates – if you include temporary pages, I mean.
Kudos, Mistah J. I hope you really do have it in you for another thousand. Hee hee.
Thanks so much!
Hnnnnngg ;_;
I was all set up to end my joke of, “well that was a very long school report” but then you hit me with feels about your 1000th strip so…
Thank you for keeping up the comic this long. This comic has been a part of my life for longer than quite a few people, and it’s wonderful you got here.
I certainly hope you keep going, and will try to follow you in whatever you do. Take care!
Thanks for reading for so long.
This is wonderful! It made me cry so hard, but don’t feel bad, it’s happy tears!!!
Thank you, I love this comic. I said hi to you once at the last ChibiChibi con 🙂
Thanks for saying hi!
Congrats on such a feat, you have done a marvelous thing in creating Modest Medusa it give s me joy to read every new episode thanks so much. All the best in the new decade.
Love the eyes, so expressive!
Thanks. i’m trying to do more with her expressions. I too often resort to just 2 or 3 expressions for her.
It still feels like yesterday that I first found the comic, I don’t think we’d even seen the other world yet at that point. 1000 pages, man time flies!