Posted In: comic
– The Modest Medusa Kickstarter is down to it’s last 5 days. It’s crunch time! We’re less than $250 from our next stretch goal, and I’d really love to pass a few more stretch goals before we’re done. The more stretch goals we meet, the larger the book will be! So please check out the Kickstarter page or help spread the word!
That gave me a much needed laugh! most adorable lawyer ever!
so does this mean that Charles is a dolt?
You’re assuming that Medusa *asked* Charles to borrow his suit. You’re very kind. 😀
his arm is missing because of jake and medusa, he frankly doesn’t give a shit
Wish I could donate to the kick starter. I would love to see a Homunculus tattoo. 😀
So she just waltzed into a police station with no prior experience or training, said she was a lawyer, and because she was wearing a suit and had a nice watch they just went with it?!?
Pretty par-for-the-course now that I think of it.
No, not at all. She slithered into the police station.
I don’t know, a lawyer for the victim of a murder that didn’t happen does sound a little odd…
“I watched Perry Mason in a bar last night. The sound was turned down, but I got the basic gist.”
~Lionel Hutz~
Police officer: Aren’t you a little young to be a lawyer?
Phineas: Why, yes. Yes I am. Thank you.
Quick, ask for a public defender.
Of course she’s a lawyer, what else do you know of that looks like a snake , moves like a snake and wears a suit?
*slow clap*
Politicians (Yeah, yeah; most of them are lawyers, but still…), Lobbyists, Bankers, Corporate Suits, etc.
severus snape
He looks a lot more like a disgruntled owner of a failing Goth-themed drag cabaret bar to me.
You should get her Phoenix Wright
Let me guess, Modest learned everything she needs to be lawyer playing a game on her 3DS.
In that case, I wonder who her sidekick will be, and what they’ll look like when possessed by Mia Fey?
Yussss Ace Attorney reference. Thank you, Jake.
Poor, poor guy. He’s in real trouble now.
Grammar Nazi Alert!
Jake: “Where’d that suit come from?”
Medusa: “It’s Charles’s!”
Medusa: “It’s Charles’ ”
Because Charles already ends in an S, the possessive form is with an apostrophe only, no extra S required. Just like the possessive forms of plurals ending in S, such as “The two snakes’ heads were staring at him.”
Thanks. I’ll make the change.
That’s actually not a hard and fast rule, though it’s applied most often because it looks better stylistically.
Our little Medusa is growing up so fast…
She better hope Schlock doesn’t see her.
This is the funniest MM I have seen in a long time. Every panel is good, but two are obviously my favorites. Modest is back in rare form 🙂
WTG Jake
Well thanks!
I preordered Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, out by the end of March! (In Europe at least, huhuhu.) Awesome games! 🙂
Oh, awesome! I need that!
Well, we’re screwed. XD
Medusa would make a great lawyer. If the prosecution doesn’t rest she can turn them to stone. If the Jury doesn’t rule innocent she can turn them to stone. If the judge tries to shout order she can turn him to stone. If the police come to stop her from turning everyone into stone she can turn them into stone!