Hi everyone! Merry Christmas! I hope you’re having a safe and warm weekend. In case you were wondering what happened to last Friday’s strip, Portland (and much of North America, I guess) was hit with a pretty severe storm. I couldn’t get in t work on Thursday or Friday, and ended up sick with food poisoning on Saturday (and still today, I guess). So the big holiday strip I was working on isn’t complete yet. I’m hoping to get back into the studio tomorrow, but it probably won’t be finished until Tuesday. You’ll see why!
Anyway, I hope you’re able to get some rest and spend time with the people you love. Have a great day!
Merry Christmas Jake!
Thanks! To you too!
I hope you’re feeling better! Take care of yourself first. We can wait.
Thanks. I’m feeling a little better today. I might be recovered tomorrow.
1. Green hat is a nice touch.
2. Your one-eyed mermaid character has an interesting backstory.
Don’t work yourself too hard, and I hope you had a very merry Christmas! And happy Boxing Day! 😀 (whatever that is)
Thank you! You too.
Not to sound needy but fyi I just replied to your latest reply. Last thing that I’m gonna say is that I am so so so sick to death of the far left and alt right both demanding that I pick their side or else I’m really on the other side and shaming me for daring to even notice that their side exists as extremists.
My town was also hit by a snowstorm, and I got sick before it happened because I forgot to get a flu shot, and my dad also got food poisoning, take care, you’re awesome.
As someone on the far left I really do raise my eyebrow at people who can’t “pick a side” when the far right is openly fascists, bigoted, actively working to do harm and clamoring for violence. Its frustrating to me when people try to equate the far left and right as the same or morally equivalent when they’re clearly not. So if someone says they’re not willing to pick a side, so be it. That’s fine until the far right shows up in my town with guns and clubs beating up my friends and neighbors, or tries to pull an insurrection, or stabs two people to death on a train I ride every day, or holds hate rallies all across the country, or shoots up another LGBTQ club. At that point I really need to people to not be siding with them. I don’t need people to declare themselves leftist and start going to Sanders rallies and BLM marches, but I need people to stand up and say that kind of stuff isn’t acceptable. I think a lot of time people see that as being forced to take sides, but its not.
Sorry to hear you were sick. Its always rough to go through that this time of year. Hope you feel better.
As a side note, I don’t want to make it sound like I think everyone to the right of me is part of the “far right”. We’re talking extremists here.
best to you and yours. Sorry you are unwell, get better soon.
Thanks so much. You too!
Happy holidays, Jake!!! Thank you for all of the amazing work you share. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you! Happy holidays to you too!