Hi everyone! Our story is taking a break this week for the holidays. We’ll continue into the final arc of the Season next week. In the meantime, please enjoy some art of Lil’ Jenny! She’s the sticker of the month for Patreon backers. I’ll be back this Friday with a special 24 Hour Comic for the Holiday, so make sure to check that out!
– Hi everyone. I’d like to mention that you can support my work on Patreon or Ko-fi (or by ordering stuff from my store). I’m sure you won’t be surprised to find that I don’t make much. Since the pandemic money has been especially tight, and I’ve had to spend more and more time on freelance work and commissions to pay the bills. Which means less time making comics and art for you all to enjoy. Recently things have improved a little due to several very generous readers, but I could still use your support. If you can spare a small monthly contribution through Patreon or a tip through Ko-fi I’d really appreciate. Your support directly help finance both my comics work and pay my living expenses!
Um, okay, did you read my last comment, just checking, this is the final time that I’ll bring it up.
I did, and responded to it. Is this something you’d like to discuss privately? You can send me an email if you want.
I got alot to say, I’ll have to reply tomorrow.
I do like the cute little fangs, she looked more like a vampire when we saw them in the bathtub.
Hope you have a fun holiday season.
Well, I was worried atfirst when I didn’t see any comments, but it’s been long enough that other people should have commented by so maybe you’re just on hiatus.
It does sometimes take me awhile to approve comments, since I usually only do that while I’m at work. But there haven’t been a lot of comments this week.
You’re such a good artist
Well if you’re okay discussing it here than so am I.
I’m not convinced that you are a wokehead, since you’re responding the exact opposite of how every wokehead that I’ve ever either interacted with or known about, basically the general behavior is essential in determining if someone is one or not. I suspect that you’re referring to yourself as one simply because you are liberal, that’s not a qualifier to people like me, our definition is any extremist on any part of the political spectrum that uses their self appropriated badge as an excuse to do horrible things. That’s mostly the definition for the left wing version, they’re infamous for applying the label “progressive activist” to themselves so that they can get away with bullying people while claiming that they’re victims are the bullies and then demonizing anybody who calls them out. Anyway I suspect that it comes from the notion that left wing wokesters give claiming that Republicans just use it to demonize anyone that’s a liberal, it could just be propaganda to make themselves feel better, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were right wing wokesters who actually did that. Infact, lots of of old school liberals, if not all of them, consider left wing wokesters to not be real liberals, I’m pretty sure that there’s conservatives who feel the same way about right wing wokesters, and it should come as no surprise to anyone that there are plenty of conservatives who hate Trump.
Now if you advocate for the horrible hypocritical things that they do to people, often at the detriment to of the people that they claim to represent, that’s something I’m not too sure about. Now I’ll admit that this sounds paranoid and sensational on my part: You see, it seems to me that they get away with alot, they constantly rely on others to turn the other cheek while they constantly throw their weight around. When it comes to things like social media and entertainment for example, the company will cater to them simply because they’re the loudest voice, often bringing them on as moderators and other staff, while counting on the rest of the population to just roll their eyes and use their business anyway, which unfortunately sometimes works. Now I personally have grown up as a naive doormat, and had to learn self respect the hard way, so I understand that there’s a huge difference between being kind and forgiving and just letting people treat you like dirt, so when it comes to companies like that I make the decision not to support them. That being said, I’m actually on the fence if you outright support them doing horrible things that have been proven through logic and research to be wrong. I’m sorry about the wall of text and that I took too long, there’s alot that I probably could have left out but whenever wokeheads come up there’s always alot to unpack. Anyway I’m not leaving, since you haven’t really given me a reason too.
Honestly, I really don’t agree with your sentiments here. I DO agree that there are some absolute dirtbags on the Left, but I don’t think that has anything to do with “wokeness” or liberalism in general. Rather, some people are just awful. People like that exist everywhere and unfortunately we all have to deal with them.
Well I did mention that lots of people consider them not to be liberals, and I did mention that they exist on both sides, but to your credit I think that I heard someone say that they appropriated the term woke from real progressives. I’m not sure why you put yourself in the same boat at the beginning because you clearly don’t fit the bill, but thanks for being cool, it means alot to me. I’ve grown accustomed to people doing a bit where they decided that I’m a cartoon villain for them to fight, but now I can finally peacefully disagree with someone like two mature adults, that being said, you’ve really restored a bit of my faith in humanity thank you so much.
Merry christmas Jake, give Modest a Kiss in the forehead for me
Will do!