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– Hey guys. Some of you may know that I teach a comic and illustration class for teens. I’ve been doing this for a few years. This year my class has decided to organize a small comics festival. It’s called Fanaticon and it’ll be on Sat, Feb 13th at the East Portland Community Center. I’m helping out, but really it’s the kids that are running the whole thing, and they’re doing a great job! We have about 30 different artists, comic creators, crafters and student artists tabling at the show, so there should be plenty of neat stuff to check out. I’ll be there with the new Medusa book and Lilineko (the crafter who makes my Medusa hats, pillows and other stuff) will be there as well. Admission is free too. So if you live in the Portland area please come by and check the show out. We’re hoping that Fanaticon can grow into a yearly event!
Yeah, either she’s going to be presented with an opportunity to betray them, and prove she’s trying to walk the path of redemption and atonement…
Or she’s definitely going to screw them over. Either way, I love that Jake is setting boundaries with her.
Show her who’s boss, Jake! 😀
Typo trying to hide in last panel – meraids.
For a second I thought she was going to buy Pokemon (surely, Modest telling people in Yeld about Pokemon would make her want to buy some), but it looks like she’s just going to school.
Man I wouldn’t wanna catch a case of mer-AIDS
Gee, I’d hate to think what they’d be like if they were rude…
You’ve got a typo in the first panel, “waking” instead of “walking”.
Fixed. Thanks
8 Blocks? Where did he take her to?
ooo! I know! Ekans’s house!
Because her Mom is cool, and can handle a naughty Mermaid, teach her some manners, lolz! Less danger to Modest if she’s 8 blocks away, eh?
Oh dear.
They’re visiting Jake’s sister, aren’t they?
Not sure whether to be bracing myself for antics or feels. Or feeling antics.
Y’know what mermaids seem to be pretty bad at? Humility.
Wait, are they seriously going to Marah’s mom’s?!