Posted In: comic
I somehow lost another day again. I went to be last night thinking it was Wednesday and woke up to find out today is Friday! This has been happening a lot this year! Thankfully I was able to finish today’s page before its tomorrow.
I wonder if this is a case of repressed memories or amnesia to cope with the loss, she genuinely had no equivalent in her life, or her Jake’s so dead to her that she didn’t particularly care when he was taken and/or killed if that even happened at all.
Could be a Marah where Jake was never part of the picture, with a Modest equivalent stumbling into her life & eventually putting her in harm’s way that would lead to staying in Yeld for whatever reason.
Thats a neat theory.
Oh you absolute TEASE
I was about to say the same thing. I wonder which one of these potential possibilities, if any of them, it will be?
One of them is an owl
Yeah, my guess is she’s from a Jake-less reality
But shouldn’t every or nearly every Marah have asked her that question?
That’s a good point
I woke up this morning and it was already tomorrow!
Did she follow a Gandalf arc, where a life-age of the earth must pass while she’s in drudge angel academy? After that long, I might have forgotten a name or two myself.
I don’t think this version of her got the drudge angel treatment
I’m wondering if this is the Neverland effect: the longer you stay in the magical realm, the more you forget.
For the record, I think Jake was there, and she fought and died, and so doesn’t know if she saved him or not. I think she tried, I think she became a monster, I think she forgot everything but a small part of her remains to tell another girl it’s possible, maybe even to improve the facts.
I am sad, I finally caught up. I originally found this comic very early, then lost the link, and just recently found it again. I have been really enjoying binging through the archive the last few weeks. Now I have to wait for new episodes.
Thanks for coming back, Robert!
Yeah, that’s the sad thing about reading a good webcomic. Many years of work in a binge tend to fly by in a snap. On the bright side, this is still an ongoing one.
Pretty sure that it was mentioned somewhere before that one of the effects of getting stuck in Yeld is that you forget about your life before coming to Yeld. Thought that makes me wonder why she came back to the ship. For Modest maybe?
Possibly some kind of “feeling” that she just can’t shake or ignore?
Instinct or a weird result of time travel multiverse fuckery? Like this happens every time a Marah finds the arsenal but each time is in it’s own branching path?
She reminds me a little of Dahaka.
Is it the horns?