Quite a long time ago, we saw a version of Maya (presumably the mainline one, whose future this young one will have) who couldn’t leave Yeld because she changed too much to go back to the “real world”. She was growing horns like those… but she didn’t look nearly this dark and ominous (rather heroic, in fact). I’m guessing this variant is from a future where things went even shittier.
Eh, nah, that’s just what Hunters in Darkness look like, and that’s what Mara appeared to be turning into before, in light of later Yeld lore. This one just transformed all the way, is all.
this might be coming too late to be seen, but you can always let Jake know that it was a mistake/double post, and he sees the comments and approves them before they post, and can just *not* post it
he did it for me once when an autofill error caused me to comment with my actual name (a dangerous turn of events on the internet). Dude’s saved my bacon, arigato
mmm. that last panel reads in the wrong order. gotta lower the balloon from the Dark Future
I feel this is going to be an Angel v Devil moment.
And from what I’ve heard about the company the first adult works for in the previous pictures.
I don’t think the one with the horns is the Devil this time.
I feel like neither one is an angel or a devil, despite appearances. They’re two paths she could take, but neither is inherently ‘wrong’.
Quite a long time ago, we saw a version of Maya (presumably the mainline one, whose future this young one will have) who couldn’t leave Yeld because she changed too much to go back to the “real world”. She was growing horns like those… but she didn’t look nearly this dark and ominous (rather heroic, in fact). I’m guessing this variant is from a future where things went even shittier.
Eh, nah, that’s just what Hunters in Darkness look like, and that’s what Mara appeared to be turning into before, in light of later Yeld lore. This one just transformed all the way, is all.
Time to change the domain to marahmarahmarah.com
i feel it is safe to assume this third marah does not work for the NSA
ah, so it *did* post this one …
well, can’t delete it now
this might be coming too late to be seen, but you can always let Jake know that it was a mistake/double post, and he sees the comments and approves them before they post, and can just *not* post it
he did it for me once when an autofill error caused me to comment with my actual name (a dangerous turn of events on the internet). Dude’s saved my bacon, arigato
This is true. I sometimes approve double posts because they’re funny, but mostly I just delete them. Especially if someone asks me to.
i feel like it’s safe to assume that this third marah does not work for the NSA
Whoa! Demon Mara appears!
Looks more like a Hunter in Darkness. Demons are Loh Tabeth.
“too help”? Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.
*gasp* It’s a plot twist!
“I’m you from the timeline where you drank a LOT of silver nitrate”
Okay, she’s WAY cooler than this lame desk jockey from the NSA.
Go with her!
I assume she did. Horns and all.
Ok, Into the Marahverse is starting to get scary now!
This is turning into a Modest Medusa version of Live With Yourself… 😀
Quick typo – should presumably be “I’m here to help” (not “too”).
LOVE the last panel reveal!
In panel 1, she’s saying “I’m here also help.”