Meg is our names! >n.n< We jus' go by Rei an' Nezumi 'cause it makes tellings us a apart easier, but we're boths Megan. There used to be jus' ones Megan, but she could handles my kintype an' the ones she alreadies had, so she ended up as me an' as Nezumi. Nezumi is a *lot* likes her, though, to the point that Nezumi sometimes kind ofs forgets she's *nots*, or nots entirelies.
Meg is clearly the artist formerly known as Ekans. =D
I was wondering if she’d ever have her human (non Pokémon type) name revealed.
Ah… so that’s what her name is.
Finally, I thought we’d never know and it would turn into a running gag.
Her name was also posted on her bedroom door a panel or two back.
Yup! People were also calling her “Gem,” as well.
Well only cool people can call her Ekans anyway.
LOVE JAKE’s expression. 😀
I miss Ekans
I’m not buying it.
That just doesn’t sound like the sort of thing you say when someone jumps out the window just once and because there’s an emeregncy.
“It was all right for you to jump out the window to get away from the fire, but don’t do it any more.”
yeah, seems odd to say that when they only did it for a fire. also hope they never remove the bush without letting her know first O_O
Meg is the default name for that pokemon.
She’ll alway be Beans to me.
Wait… but if Ekans is Snake backwards… that means Meg is really a gem! She’s a stone given life!
I also wanted to mention that I think Ekan’s (Meg’s) mother seems pretty cool with Modest. That’s nice.
May be “Ekans” is her secret nickname. May be Meg is real name
I love Modest so much. She’s just so innocent and fun.
Meg is our names! >n.n< We jus' go by Rei an' Nezumi 'cause it makes tellings us a apart easier, but we're boths Megan. There used to be jus' ones Megan, but she could handles my kintype an' the ones she alreadies had, so she ended up as me an' as Nezumi. Nezumi is a *lot* likes her, though, to the point that Nezumi sometimes kind ofs forgets she's *nots*, or nots entirelies.