I’m surprised Medusa can be lifted. Snakes are very muscular, therefore really heavy for their size. Since Medusa is half snake, she should weigh at least Jake’s niece’s weight, if not more.
:33< Dani, when you beging to question it, the whole story falls apart. When the story falls apart, MM ends. When MM ends, people get bored. When people get bored, they start commiting crimes for fun, and the world decends into anarchy. Don't let the world decend into anarchy. Switch to Dirtect TV. Wait…
Girls got spunk!! ^^
Challenge her to a duel!!!
In the rule of hand to hand engagement you must slap with your glove first, then slap.
Instead of being lifted, I would’ve just punched him in the boingloins. Yeah, the boingloins.
Bitch smacking someone only feels right while wearing a ‘Prodigy’ t-shirt!
I’m surprised Medusa can be lifted. Snakes are very muscular, therefore really heavy for their size. Since Medusa is half snake, she should weigh at least Jake’s niece’s weight, if not more.
:33< Dani, when you beging to question it, the whole story falls apart. When the story falls apart, MM ends. When MM ends, people get bored. When people get bored, they start commiting crimes for fun, and the world decends into anarchy. Don't let the world decend into anarchy. Switch to Dirtect TV. Wait…
Where’s the like button when you need it??
See? THIS is why we need The Purge!
That’s the most awesome face smack of all time.
Hey! Medusa! Hitting people isn’t nice! Especially since Jake took you in and has been moderately nice to you, giving you all his chocodiles )-:<