why is it when we’re children and we run around naked that people think its cute but as adults and we do that they lock us up in the boncey room with the hug yourself jacket?
On one side, compare naked adult and naked child. One is wrinkly and ugly in most people’s opinion, the other is pudgy and triggers instinctual parenting responses. One will generally put on clothes with asked politely (and/or given free clothes), the other will often respond to offerings of clothes with laughter and running.
On the other side, you sound like you’ve never gotten to know France.
i don’t want to wear clothes either but “society” wants me. sigh
Yes, yes I do.
Damn your Society! *fistshake*
:33< Society! Why you gotta be so mean?
D- Did you just call yourself society so you could say that? xD
and thus enters the modest, in modest medusa. did you have this gag running around in your head for the longest time before now?
Pretty much.
my mind is blown trying to differentiate between real you and obviously in the comic you. And some of my questions would come off REALLY CREEPY… O_O
It’s a conspiracy!!!
We are all naked inside, and what’s inside is what counts.
Words to live by~
I <3 <3 <3 that hat
Except for a few exceptions, you are better off seeing people with their clothes on.
nice to see you here from DoA, Plasma
why is it when we’re children and we run around naked that people think its cute but as adults and we do that they lock us up in the boncey room with the hug yourself jacket?
On one side, compare naked adult and naked child. One is wrinkly and ugly in most people’s opinion, the other is pudgy and triggers instinctual parenting responses. One will generally put on clothes with asked politely (and/or given free clothes), the other will often respond to offerings of clothes with laughter and running.
On the other side, you sound like you’ve never gotten to know France.
I dig the Prodigy reference!