Posted In: comic
Medusa is shiny and chrome! Witness her! This is the June wallpaper for Patreon backers. You can become a patron by checking out my Patreon page and signing up to contribute $1, $3 or whatever you want each month. Even small contributions really help.
I’ll be back on Monday with a new strip!
I live! I eat chocodiles! I live still!
Imagining all of them shouting: I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!!!
Is that what Modest’s sisters have been up to lately?
I guess it’s understandable given the fact that one of their caretakers is a chainsaw unicorn. ^_^;
By the way, I gave your stories a look and enjoyed reading them!
but which one is Maddest Medusa
“My name is Master!”
“My name is Blaster!”
On the barren wastes after the end of the world, one resource above all is prized: Chocodiles.
We’ll look forward to Monday and in the meantime mull over the mayhem that is the Medusa madness.
Medusa Mania
o.o wait! there are ones with short hair! does that mean they cut their snakes???
While that would be in line with Mad Max, it looks like some snakes are just shorter than others.