Hello everyone. As you might know my mother passed away recently. I am currently living in her trailer with no occupation nor transportation save the city bus line and almost no money. I have bills coming due and no way to pay them. I’ll probably be in a homeless shelter by next month. I’ve been looking through local organizations that raise money but none had panned out. This along with the memory of finding her body and the paramedics calling lividity. I haven’t been in the best state of mind which isn’t helping. If you know any ways I can raise money so i’ll have one less thing to worry about I would be sincerely appreciative. you can comment here or write me at Largoheir@gmail.com
I smell… necromancy.
Well now… this is either going to be a return or a send-off…
I’ve been waaaaiiiiiiting for this! I was hoping you’d follow up with Marah!
Can… Can I… Can I do the… Can… Can… I want to… Screw it, I’m doing it.
Its Zombie time
It’s Marah! But what’s about to happen!? O_O
I went through every single page in a binge, expecting this to never end and be great forever.
Why did I not find this comic a year from now so there wouldn’t be a wait for more, and it would be unlimited amounts of awesome?
So angry.
Now here’s the question: is this real, a dream or a premonition?
She found glasses in Yeld. Those could belong to anybody.
Mara i been looking for these, yu know how hard it is to get glasses up there!
mara: dies again with glasses on
Is Mara getting resurrected ?
Horns gone. Just sayin.
Maybe she’s alive! (please)
Well well well… Someone gonna return as a zombie?
It’s looking a bit like Aslan on the Stone Table from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Yay she is back and now lacking horns
Looks like she only regain her human form when she died.
One two three fou… DANG IT!
NO! The horns are gone! *Cries*
I mean yay! Marah is back! :S I hope she is anyway…
but why are the cool horns gone?
that was my first thought as well! she looked really awesome with those…hopefully she at least still has her fangs 😉
Awake awaken, Mustakrakish! The lake troll!
seriously Deathklok was the first thing in my mind.
Oh, this is gonna be good…
I wonder if she can be brought back to life with a kiss from a prince or princess?
So sarah is that weird lady at the inn? Cool!
Was wondering about her, almost thinking this is a dream
Hello everyone. As you might know my mother passed away recently. I am currently living in her trailer with no occupation nor transportation save the city bus line and almost no money. I have bills coming due and no way to pay them. I’ll probably be in a homeless shelter by next month. I’ve been looking through local organizations that raise money but none had panned out. This along with the memory of finding her body and the paramedics calling lividity. I haven’t been in the best state of mind which isn’t helping. If you know any ways I can raise money so i’ll have one less thing to worry about I would be sincerely appreciative. you can comment here or write me at Largoheir@gmail.com
GoFundMe may be of use. I know someone who used it to raise money for rent when things were tight for her last year.
I set it up it’s at www,gofundme.com/92t8ss
Donated. I’ll post the link around with tomorrows Medusa update.
I’m going to continue under the notion that this is a Reverse-Jake Nightmare.
Bee: “Jake is not your friend!”
Gonna be a premonition of the next season!
I’m tellin’ ya! 😛
I’m gonna do it….
Duh…Duh…Duhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! O.O