Posted In: comic
I’ve decided to skip Friday’s update. Sorry! I’m finishing up the last bits of proofing and adjustments for the Magical land of Yeld rpg today, and I didn’t think I’d be able to do that and a bigger than normal Medusa page. And truthfully, I’m exhausted. So instead here’s a new “Late Again” Medusa, and we’ll be back on Sunday. Sorry to keep you waiting!
Hey jake! How are ya? Are ya enjoying reading the made in abyss manga?
Okay! I read the first volume and really liked it.
Cool! :3
I’ll be happy once the Yeld game is done! I’m so excited that it is near done!
Its so close. I think we’ll have the digital version to backers by this time tomorrow. The books will take longer of course, but everyone should have them this summer.
Oh hey, it’s a new “late again” art!
Well, MM’s spring break has gone on quite a while now…
I like that your breaks often coincide with my drinking binges.
Huh. Mine too.
…I’ll never get used to American Sundays being my Mondays, will I.
I guess that would be a little confusing.