NOSE BLING, how incredibly cute and disgusting at the same time. two awesome additional panels would’ve been you with a WTF!?!? expression, then one like, “I’m thirsty, are you thirsty, let me grab us some milk” I’m sure the pawnshops would give something for that nose gold.
Enthusiasm? That’s 100% appropriate for Medusa!
She’s nothing if not enthusiastic!
And that’s why we love her so much! And the snakes. Love them too…
And the innocence :heart:
Link: “You know, every time I collected that d*mn triforce, I felt like there was something missing. And there was that one time I found this big jeweled chest that turned out to be empty…”
Medusa: “That was my bed at my old house. Someone dumped the shiny thing in while I was sleeping, and my hair ate it.”
Link: “…stuff that your hair eats goes to your nose?”
Medusa: *shudders* “Don’t get me started.”
Good to be re-reading this. I haven’t read MM for a year or so. What bothers me now is: If Jake’s DS is blue, and Marah’s is the red, whose is the black?
Well, they’ve probably had a few different ones. In addition to the ones you mentioned, there’s also the teal 3DS that they picked up somewhere along the way. Marah also had her own DS.
NOSE BLING, how incredibly cute and disgusting at the same time. two awesome additional panels would’ve been you with a WTF!?!? expression, then one like, “I’m thirsty, are you thirsty, let me grab us some milk” I’m sure the pawnshops would give something for that nose gold.
I’m 22 and still pick my nose…simply because I’m waiting for the day this exact event befalls me ;A; *fingers crossed*
makes joo wonder how that even fits in there and what it is.
To bad that never happens.
holy crap, she has force gem boogers?!
i want force gem boogers!
Thats a Tri-force!
I was gonna say that! Well, at least we know what to do if there is ever a Medusa in Zelda.
That’s a force gem.
I just did the Zelda item get sound effect in my head.
Medusa found a triangle.
These 4 panels are the fucking Holy Grail of comedy writing.
I am not entirely joking.
Thanks. I knew telling Zelda jokes was the holy grail of something.
is it power,wisdom…ok i know it aint wisdom, or courage
It’s the lost tri-force of enthusiasm. It’s the one that goes in the middle.
Enthusiasm? That’s 100% appropriate for Medusa!
She’s nothing if not enthusiastic!
And that’s why we love her so much! And the snakes. Love them too…
And the innocence :heart:
Link: “You know, every time I collected that d*mn triforce, I felt like there was something missing. And there was that one time I found this big jeweled chest that turned out to be empty…”
Medusa: “That was my bed at my old house. Someone dumped the shiny thing in while I was sleeping, and my hair ate it.”
Link: “…stuff that your hair eats goes to your nose?”
Medusa: *shudders* “Don’t get me started.”
This Is so weird and awesome
you could say she, Dug for gold
Good to be re-reading this. I haven’t read MM for a year or so. What bothers me now is: If Jake’s DS is blue, and Marah’s is the red, whose is the black?
Well, they’ve probably had a few different ones. In addition to the ones you mentioned, there’s also the teal 3DS that they picked up somewhere along the way. Marah also had her own DS.