– Hi everyone. No comic today. Smoke levels in Portland are officially at the hazard levels, and getting into work is difficult. I came in today for a bit, but by the time I got to work my mouth tasted like a campfire and my eyes were red. I may end up taking a few more days off this week and focus on some writing. hopefully I’ll be back on Monday with a  strip, but if not expect a double strip later next week.

In the mean time, here’s Mario Medusa. I can’t believe I’ve never done this before! This is the sticker of the month for $15/month Patreon backers. Support from patrons has become my main source of income during this pandemic, and I really, really appreciate it! You can check out my Patreon and become a patron here.

– If you’ve been meaning to check out the Yeld RPG but just have’t yet, this great review from Talen Lee might might be all the encouragement you need! Find out what makes Yeld awesome and unique and why its worth taking a look at even if you may never get a chance to play it! You can buy a copy of Yeld from the Modest Medusa store or DrivethruRPG!