That sword that fires lasers and pizza would probably do it.
Gina: A sword that fires lasers and pizza. Really?
Meg: Oh, it’s real all right. Modest set fire to the fence while she was trying it out.
Meg’s mom: Yeah, you’re going to need safety training. And food hygiene training if you want to serve any of the pizza.
Gina: *pauses in thought* …Okay, hands up everyone who got me Batgirl Lego!
Every invitee: *raises hand*
Gina: Oookay… *big smile* *dances over to Modest* Modest! You’re invited to my party! And I forgive you for your hair biting me, and we can be best friends! *hug*
Modest: Yay!! *hug* :-}
Vargas: We’ve searched the palace from top to bottom. It isn’t here.
Prince Dragul: Then search AGAIN! My sword that fires lasers and pizza ISN’T also capable of walking off on it’s own!
Now she can play Batgirl vs Alternate Universe Evil Batgirl. Why wouldn’t she become Modest’s friend?
Would certainly work on me
You really can’t top giving someone Legos.
Except, of course, with more Legos.
That sword that fires lasers and pizza would probably do it.
Gina: A sword that fires lasers and pizza. Really?
Meg: Oh, it’s real all right. Modest set fire to the fence while she was trying it out.
Meg’s mom: Yeah, you’re going to need safety training. And food hygiene training if you want to serve any of the pizza.
Gina: *pauses in thought* …Okay, hands up everyone who got me Batgirl Lego!
Every invitee: *raises hand*
Gina: Oookay… *big smile* *dances over to Modest* Modest! You’re invited to my party! And I forgive you for your hair biting me, and we can be best friends! *hug*
Modest: Yay!! *hug* :-}
Vargas: We’ve searched the palace from top to bottom. It isn’t here.
Prince Dragul: Then search AGAIN! My sword that fires lasers and pizza ISN’T also capable of walking off on it’s own!
TWO LEGOS?!?!?! My God, Medusa, have you gone mad?! The sheer joy will overwhelm her with ecstatic seizures!
On one hand I admire her desire to kill hate with kindness. On the other hand, she’s going to learn fast that some people just aren’t worth your time.