Posted In: comic
– A reader named Christopher made this comment last week that I thought was pretty clever, so I decided to do something with it. Thanks, Christopher!
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So cute!
well, to be fair, she´s NOT just missing her DS – there´s also chocodiles!
and jake. and her friends. i guess it hasn´t occured to her just yet that yeld is quite abit more ‘away’ then just a few streets.
She misses her DS, chocodiles, jake, and her friends in that order.
Make that a shirt, and I’m in for 2 or 3
Home is where the wi-fi connects automatically.
It was very clever. T-shirt clever. (HINT HINT)
Oh my gosh, I can post again!
A thousand thank yous to whoever fixed the problem!
(It… is fixed. Right?)
It is fixed, as far as I know. Welcome back.
What’s fixed???
There was a problem where some people were unable to leave comments. When they tried they would get an error message. This was apparently caused by a WordPress security update. Jeff (my host) was able to determine the problem (with the help of several readers) and implement a fix. as far as I know the problem has been fully resolved.
I’m so happy! I kinda missed commenting, heh heh.
Where the DS Charges? Please, Home is where the DS never leaves the Charger.
If it never leaves the Charger, that means it always Charges!
My DS charges all the time. Everytime I shot on e-nintendo, it charges right from my credit card.
I can’t even find my DS charder anymore! Where is my home?
havent played my new 3ds xl in like forever…still got the elite four to fight in PokemonX, just barely scratching the surface in MH4, RE Revelations still needs Story normal and hard to beat….and Pokemon Sun still needs finished. All the while I’m considering on getting the PS4 slim. O.o