The cats? o.o I’ve read up until the most recent strip and I don’t ever remember there being a cat XD stray or domesticated o.O did I miss something? 😮
Yeah… we have cats at the house (which I am allergic to) but they’ve never shown up in the strip. Lets just assume that by this point the Medusa has eaten them.
I can relate! I’m allergic to cats AND have ahstma yet I grew up with like…5 cats. I’ve been living without cats for about 3 years now, when I went back to visit my mom in the states 5min. after I walked in the door my eyes started getting watery, my breathing seized, and I almost died D:
What’s their name(s) & breed(s)? My favorite cat growing up was Sir Bobicus the fluffy orange Main Coon 🙂 was more like a dog than a cat :p
Names and breeds? Steve is… black…. and a total asshole. His full name is Steve Holt. He was abandoned on us by our neighbor, who asked us to keep an eye on him while she was packing up to move, and then never came back. Mosley is old, long haired and black and white. We think he’s dying, which is pretty sad. Mosley is, for reasons no one has ever been able to understand, deathly afraid of me and runs away any time I enter the room.
The cats? o.o I’ve read up until the most recent strip and I don’t ever remember there being a cat XD stray or domesticated o.O did I miss something? 😮
Yeah… we have cats at the house (which I am allergic to) but they’ve never shown up in the strip. Lets just assume that by this point the Medusa has eaten them.
I can relate! I’m allergic to cats AND have ahstma yet I grew up with like…5 cats. I’ve been living without cats for about 3 years now, when I went back to visit my mom in the states 5min. after I walked in the door my eyes started getting watery, my breathing seized, and I almost died D:
What’s their name(s) & breed(s)? My favorite cat growing up was Sir Bobicus the fluffy orange Main Coon 🙂 was more like a dog than a cat :p
Names and breeds? Steve is… black…. and a total asshole. His full name is Steve Holt. He was abandoned on us by our neighbor, who asked us to keep an eye on him while she was packing up to move, and then never came back. Mosley is old, long haired and black and white. We think he’s dying, which is pretty sad. Mosley is, for reasons no one has ever been able to understand, deathly afraid of me and runs away any time I enter the room.
That’s kind of sad.
Hehe, always love a good arrested development reference. The cat, not the comic.
We’ve had Steve since about the time that set of episodes originally aired. So… quite awhile now.
I like to think she can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste through her hairsnakes. Just of fun bit of headcanon.
Oh em gee! I’m gushing at every page! ♡
“Hello friend.”
Ha. Just like every kid. Pull out the game machine, they’ll crowd around