– This one’s a little late. I’ve had a weird, hectic week, and I didn’t get a chance to work on this until late Friday night.
– February was Modest Medusa Pareon month. Today’s the last day! We didn’t make it to my $1100 goal, but we did get pretty far, and I really, really appreciate that. Your support through Patreon is helping me pay my bills and allowing me to spend more time making comics. I appreciate every dollar. My goal is to eventually get to $1200-1300, which will allow me to focus completely on making comics instead of spending time doing freelance work. I’m not there yet, but this month was a huge step in that direction. Thank you all so much!
In case you were wondering, the your Patreon support is directly resulting in more comics from me. The Legend of Korra fan comic I’ve been doing is all thanks to your support through Patreon. Without that support, I wouldn’t have been able to afford to spend time working on it. Right now i’m working on Ghost Kiss comics that I hope to be posting next month. That’s thanks to Patreon too! My hope is that starting in April I’ll be able to post 4-6 pages of new comics every month. that’s in addition to my regular Medusa stuff. Your support through Patreon is what’s making that happen!
The imaginary guns they might have gotten away with, but ‘Attempted Falcon Punch’? That’s an expulsion offense for sure. How is Jake going to get Modest out of that one? Stay tuned gentle listeners… stay tuned.
It’s only an expulsion if it knocks her out of the ring and she’s too low on energy to jump back in again.
How do you expel someone who isn’t even a student?
Good thing it wasn’t a haduken, then there’d be trouble!
“I think that little madam’s gonna be an even bigger handful than the sackcloth boy we had in years ago…”
At this point, I’m thinking that Ekans goes to another school.
That’d be a shame. It would be good for her and Modest to go to the same school.
I predicted the woop woop woop! Didn’t I? I seem to remember doing so…
Funny how many things can be solved by yelling ‘woop’ & running away, eh?
“Falcon Ki-” wait, what…
XD … Dr. Zoidberg would be so proud…
Modest Medusa uses “Falcon Punch!”
Vice Principal uses “NO.” … IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE!
Modest Medusa flees the field of battle! :p
Zerg Rush! Or rather… (Zoid)Berg rush! Never fails.
Vice principal: I am literally flummoxed by this display of whooping and arm-waving… we’ll have to make a new school rule against it.
I wanna adopt the little goth girl!