– Hi everyone. Happy September! I hope you’re all having fun getting back to school. Just kidding, I know most of you are old.
I saw that some of you were worried about me since there was no Friday Modest Medusa strip last week. I appreciate your concern, everything is fine! I was feeling worn out after my physical therapy appointment for my arm on Thursday so I decided to just go home and take the day off instead of going to the studio. I meant to post a “Late again” (I have a few good ones ready) but I didn’t actually make it back in to the studio till this morning. My Friday off turned into a whole weekend!
– Hi everyone. I’d like to mention that you can support my work on Patreon or Ko-fi (or by ordering stuff from my store). I’m sure you won’t be surprised to find that I don’t make much. Since the pandemic money has been especially tight, and I’ve had to spend more and more time on freelance work and commissions to pay the bills. Which means less time making comics and art for you all to enjoy. Recently things have improved a little due to several very generous readers, but I could still use your support. If you can spare a small monthly contribution through Patreon or a tip through Ko-fi I’d really appreciate. Your support directly help finance both my comics work and pay my living expenses!
Hm, I wonder if Modest actually can play a board game already. Aren’t they pretty complicated?
We have seen her play a board game before. There’s a reason she doesn’t like them.
I think she’s old enough that she COULD, although I don’t know if she has the attention span or interest. Some kids do, some don’t.
I would think her snakes would rather eat the game pieces 🙂
Yeah, that’s what I’d expect too xD
Oh, I forgot ^^” when was it?
In one of the books (I think) theres a 3 part story where Charles teaches her to play something.
How about ‘Snakes and Ladders’ ?
At that age(ish), I was already getting my family to play rule variants of our board games. Mom made a house rule where we had to play the original rules at least once before I could start making new rules. No surprise I ended up as a Dungeon Master/GameMaster for my group’s Role Playing Games.
I was making up my own board games at that age too. I remember a game called Blackout that involved a bunch of hand drawn cards.
Board games, AKA snacks for Modest’s hair.
What will she think of Snakes and Ladders?
More seriously, I think she and her hair would have fun with Jenga. And my nephews love Rhino Hero, a folded card tower building game.
Theres probably lots of games she’d love. Jenga is a good idea. I might do something with that.
She can also be interested in some Pokémon board games. If local Game Corner have any.
They probably have lots of things she’d love if she gave it a chance.
It’s one of the biggest wallet killers of your life Modest.
Mind your language, young lady.
You missed the perfect opportunity to make a “bored games” pun
I think I did that one before the last time she played a board game.
Since when does Modest swear? Not very modest of her…
Also, just putting this out there: Stratego is a great game that never should’ve gone out of print.