– Hi everyone. I’d like to mention that you can support my work on Patreon or Ko-fi (or by ordering stuff from my store). I’m sure you won’t be surprised to find that I don’t make much. Since the pandemic money has been especially tight, and I’ve had to spend more and more time on freelance work and commissions to pay the bills. Which means less time making comics and art for you all to enjoy. Recently things have improved a little due to several very generous readers, but I could still use your support. If you can spare a small monthly contribution through Patreon or a tip through Ko-fi I’d really appreciate. Your support directly help finance both my comics work and pay my living expenses!
In the last panel I see one of the snakes is blending in.
Who could’ve thought Modest’s snakes were actually chameleons! 😀
How to change a child’s mind 🙂
New snek power unlocked Camo
Woo, all caught up! Glad recovery is going well Jake, but gotta say I really enjoyed your left hand drawings. Lol
Right rear snake is Stealthy Snake. It’s canon now, no take backs
I’d have gone for “Semi-Solid Snake”…
This may have been a mistake, Jake. Medusa doesn’t strike me as being good at understanding what “random” means. At least not for the first few boxes.
Its funny, but when kids start off with Pokemon (or magic or whatever) they often have no idea about randomness or rarity. They’re just excited to get whatever comes out of the pack.
It’s not always kids that do it either.
When I started playing Magic back in college, I traded away a Vampire Nocturnus because I wanted somebody’s Hellkite Hatchling.
I started with Legends and Revised. I didn’t understand that some cards were rare and some weren’t. I don’t thin my friends did either. We would happily trade each other for whatever we thought was cool. I traded away a LOT of very good cards for big flashy cards that actually weren’t very good. I remember seeing a Shivan Dragon in the case at the local comic shop for $20 and suddenly realizing that trading it for one of each Circle of Protection might not have been the greatest trade.
Sooo… you mean you didn’t think a dragon was too cool to trade away?
I think one of the snakes is a chameleon, or a layer got mixed up. Hope you are feeling better .