– One more “Ask Medusa!” Thanks for all your questions. I’ll probably never get around to answering all of them (there’s over 200 now), but I’ll try to get to as many as I can!
– I think probably Season 5 will start on Monday. I’m not 100% sure, since this looks like a busy weekend and I want to try to get few pages done ahead of time. I’m also working on something else right now that I want to finish before the new season starts. But probably Monday, and sometime next week for sure!
– Just two days left on my most recent art auction. This is the first time I’ve made any of my non-Modest Medusa art available. Please check it out! Money from this auction goes to wrapping up and delivering my last kickstarter project (the project was just more expensive than I intended). You can check out the auction here!
…that means “no” 😀
No dear, you shed more like a human. You don’t lose your skin all at once, but a bit at a time in the course of a day. Sometimes it means you can get itchy when old epidermis piles up, but light scratching will take care of that.
And, if your scales are the right type, when you shed those you can save them, sew them together, and wear them as a cape or cloak or maybe a sash.
I was terrified the first time I learned that humans shed their skin like that. I was afraid that mine would come off too fast and I’d be left without any!
What about all the tiny mites that live in our beds eating our dead skin cells?
Oh those are nothing!
Demodex Folliculorum sometimes called “dermo mites”:
Also subsiding mostly on dead skin cells, they live mainly inside the hair follicles in and around your face, come up to the surface at night to procreate (yeah, that’s right, every night while you sleep there’s a ugly bug sex orgy going on on top of your face!) Their bodies are so simple, they don’t have a complete digestive system. When they fill up with shit, they burst and die.
They’re normally harmless, but if the colony grows to large and the amount of shit explosions is too much for your immune system to fight, you end up with a bad rash and skin condition called Demodicosis.
…Sleep well! ^_^
I means, those ones aren’t so bads. They’re kind ofs necessary fors healthy facial skin. The reallies scary ones is itch mites, which… Rei doesn’t want to think abouts what they does. >@.@o.o<
On an unrelated note, I just ate my very first Chocodile . The wrapper is laying here on the edge of the sofa like a cast off snake skin… :p Boy was that a tasty treat!
Oh, glad you liked it!
You really are doing your part to get the awareness of chocodiles to the masses. How many people have tried them because of your comic? I know I did. They should send you free ones sometime.
Free Chocodiles would be cool. I really wish I could get Hostess’ attention. I’d love to make Modest the official Chocodiles mascot!
Make it happen! *Laughs*
Um, Hostess is no longer around, well they closed down and then started up again after selling recipes or something… they aren’t as good as they once were sadly, different company now altogether but they took up the old name
hey Jake if you ever need a break you could always arrange a pokemon tournament with your fans.
Hmm… thats an interesting idea.
I just got one of your Korrasami Redbubble shirts in the mail today. the graphic is gorgeous, though i tell you, those shirts run small! If you’re a person of size, be aware and buy up a size if you can. Other than that, DANG DAT SHIRT DOE Thank you for making this. 🙂
Glad you liked it! Which style of shirt did you get? I got the long sleeve one and it’s one of the only long sleeve shirts I’ve ever had that fits right. I haven’t gotten a short sleeved shirt from them yet, but thanks for the warning.
I just saw the prettiest rainbow today, Modest. Do you think there’s a pot of gold lying at the end of them?
I found your comic just a few days ago and think you did an amazing job with the cast and story bored. Can’t wait for more and keep up the amazing work.
How do people find chocodiles?!? I look for them all over, and it’s all Twinkies. Do I blame Safeways, Freddies, Walgreens, Rite Aid, et al? Or am I cursed??
They’re still somewhat hard to find. They’re supposed to be available nation wide, but I’ve heard a lot of people say the same thing you’re saying. We had them here in Portland for about 3 months, then they dispensary for a few months and now they’re back again. So keep looking?
I’m in Hillsboro and I’ve been looking since the official announcement. Maybe they only sell in East County?
That’s weird. It’s possible that they aren’t part of the standard Hostess assortment and have to be specially ordered. If you’re really interested I’d suggest asking the manager at your local grocery/supermarket to order some. or just buy some online. In the Porltand area I’ve had luck at Walmart and Plaid Pantry.
Actually, that would be an interesting way to depict a medusa going through puberty…
Dear Modest,
Are you warm-blooded, or cold-blooded?