– One more “Ask Medusa!” Thanks for all your questions. I’ll probably never get around to answering all of them (there’s over 200 now), but I’ll try to get to as many as I can!

– I think probably Season 5 will start on Monday. I’m not 100% sure, since this looks like a busy weekend and I want to try to get  few pages done ahead of time. I’m also working on something else right now that I want to finish before the new season starts. But probably Monday, and sometime next week for sure!

– Just two days left on my most recent art auction. This is the first time I’ve made any of my non-Modest Medusa art available. Please check it out! Money from this auction goes to wrapping up and delivering my last kickstarter project (the project was just more expensive than I intended). You can check out the auction here!


Korrasami marker