Not funny does not mean not good! And this comic is great! Besides none of those other guys have a talking anthropomorphic snake in a bowtie, I consider myself to have come out ahead!
Sorry, Jake, that’s just not believable. No, I don’t mean the toilet. It’s not believable that there are cops in Portland who don’t read Modest Medusa.
Maybe next season will be funny again–but either way the art is better than most comics I read, and the characters are all A-list material. Stay with it Jake. MM has real value that marks a creation that explodes in popularity. Sometimes I wonder why this hasn’t become more of a phenomenon. I won’t ever give up on MM.
Uh did anyone else notice Gorgon was conspicuously absent for like ninety percent of the escape and the Prince didn’t even consult her despite Modest being her obvious favorite?
Civil War is brewing while Jake plays Pokemon Whatevers new now and lives out Garfield without Garfield with Marah replacing Garfield.
Yes I do! That’s actually what I’m doing right now. Look for them to be updated around the end of the month. Maybe sooner. I’m also redrawing a few strips.
A thought that occurred. Remember when Jake tried to take a short cut on ending the arc? And everyone went all *RABBLE! RABBLE!* thus kinda making him finish it full out? Did he not say Marrah’s death was preplanned? That there were hints early on? What am I driving at? WE KILLED HER! Our insatiable appetite for story killed Jake’s Niece. Had we simply accepted Jake’s clever short cut, she would be alive in the strips today. I hope you are all happy with that. 😛
Glad that you are feeling better. I still get a smile every time I go to this page, even if the humor part has been toned down a bit. The quality of the writing is still excellent.
Ha, funny how that works! 🙂
And Modest Medusa is funny, were just having a dramatic/action period so far.
I’ve always enjoyed stories that aren’t afraid to switch gears. Life isn’t restricted to a single genre, why should any work of fiction be?
so true!
I think there’s a TVtrope about the “Starts light, grows serious”. Not that it’s a bad thing.
They call it “Cerebus syndrome”. And yes, they do mention Modest Medusa.
You brought it on yourself, Jake.
That was rude… -_-
Not funny does not mean not good! And this comic is great! Besides none of those other guys have a talking anthropomorphic snake in a bowtie, I consider myself to have come out ahead!
Sorry, Jake, that’s just not believable. No, I don’t mean the toilet. It’s not believable that there are cops in Portland who don’t read Modest Medusa.
Epilogue? Is the comic ending soon?
Just this season.
oh thank goodness.
can’t wait for the next chapter.
Cerebus syndrome claims another victim! Of course, if they’d include comments sections when considering this award, things would be different…. >:=)>
Maybe next season will be funny again–but either way the art is better than most comics I read, and the characters are all A-list material. Stay with it Jake. MM has real value that marks a creation that explodes in popularity. Sometimes I wonder why this hasn’t become more of a phenomenon. I won’t ever give up on MM.
Actually, if he does come back up the toilet some explanations are going to be in order too.
Ha! Toilet Humour. 😛
You still beat out everything everywhere for most huggable character.
Oh! Oh! When the cops come up to investigate, Jake should claim that Charles was keeping him hostage, trapped inside a broken toilet!
“We used to do funny stuff” I love that line.
Well Yeld is not an inherently funny place.
Uh did anyone else notice Gorgon was conspicuously absent for like ninety percent of the escape and the Prince didn’t even consult her despite Modest being her obvious favorite?
Civil War is brewing while Jake plays Pokemon Whatevers new now and lives out Garfield without Garfield with Marah replacing Garfield.
What’s not funny about bitchy mermaids, chainsaw unicorns, and a crew of pirates who are all named Bob?
Hi Jake. Now that you’re feeling better again, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask. Do you still plan to go back and colour those B&W strips?
Yes I do! That’s actually what I’m doing right now. Look for them to be updated around the end of the month. Maybe sooner. I’m also redrawing a few strips.
Thanks Jake. I didn’t want to bug you while you were off.
I think he’s now got even _more_ explaining to do…
Now to explain where Marah is
That’ll go over well.
The vest and bow tie are precious! Doctor Who should wear his as well!
The story is fun, the art is better than most; so no complaints!
A thought that occurred. Remember when Jake tried to take a short cut on ending the arc? And everyone went all *RABBLE! RABBLE!* thus kinda making him finish it full out? Did he not say Marrah’s death was preplanned? That there were hints early on? What am I driving at? WE KILLED HER! Our insatiable appetite for story killed Jake’s Niece. Had we simply accepted Jake’s clever short cut, she would be alive in the strips today. I hope you are all happy with that. 😛
You just made me really sad just now
…. Wait… huh… I’m good. *shrug*
Glad that you are feeling better. I still get a smile every time I go to this page, even if the humor part has been toned down a bit. The quality of the writing is still excellent.
Just when we thought there wasn’t going to be anything funny left in the story.
What happened to that cop who out ran the car and punched his way through the roof?
he’s standing there in the last two panels, although it’s hard to tell that it’s him. We’ll see him again probably.
he’s there in the last two panels. We’ll probably see him again.
I can’t wait til marah somehow comes back….you can’t fool me
I dislike how charles is blamed for everything even after he lost his freaking arm